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Killifish - Food and Feeding Articles;

Vineger eels

Vinegar eels are an aquatic nematode that are not eels, but do live in vinegar. They are a couple of millimeters long and are very easily cultured. Take a one gallon glass jar, and add 5 parts water and 1 part cider vinegar. Add a small piece (one ...

Culture Techniques of Moina : The Ideal Daphnia for Feeding Freshwater Fish Fry 1

Introduction Daphnia are small freshwater cladoceran crustaceans commonly called "water fleas." This common name is the result not only of their size, but their short, jerky hopping movement in water. The genera ...

Culturing Rotifers

Freshwater rotifers are very easy to raise. The one I have is Philodina but others should take the same care. I also raise Paramecium using this same method. You can use just about any size container for culturing. Just depends on how much you ...

Culturing Whiteworms

  Nothobranchius foerschi TZL49-01White worms (Enchytraeus albidus) are a fantastic treat for adult killifish, and they are rarely turned down. They are aquatic-disease free, are full of fat a ...

Culturing Wingless Fruit Flies

I use 1/4 cup of Mc Cains instant mashed potatoes, 2 tsp. of corn flour, 1 tsp. brewers yeast, and a 1/4 tsp. of white granular sugar. Mix to a buttery paste with pure apple cider vinegar. - Charlie Drew Take a quart mason jar, put about ...

Earth worms

About Keeping Feeding Live Collected Cultured Worms Micro Vineger Grindal White Earth Infusoria Daphnia Rotifers Moina ...


Grindal worms are fairly easy to culture. They're about half an inch long and thinner then a pencil lead; they're slightly less fatty than white worms and thus may be fed mo ...

Growing White worms

White worms are one of the easiest and best food to culture for feeding to killifish but are just as suitable for all freshwater tropical fish. They do not suffer pests like grindal worms do, the cultures don't stink and rot like fruit fly cultures, ...

Infusoria and Paramoecium

  A single paramoecium - Photograph Adrian BurgeMany young fish are so small when they first hatch that they can not eat traditional 'first foods' such as n ...

Introduction to fruit flies

What is a fruit fly?Fruit flies are small flies that live on and around decaying fruit and vegetation. They occur worldwide, except the very coldest regions. The species most familiar to scientists, aquarists and herpatologists are in the genus Droso ...

Micro worms - Microworms

Microworms are a small Nematode, about a millimeter or two in length. They are fed to fry typically a day or two after first hatching. They are cultured in cereal in small containers and may be the easiest to grow of all live foods. Si ...

Paste Food Recipe

  For some reason fish that ignore most prepared foods will still tuck into paste food. The recipe I use is adapted from several others with my own additions- generally because ...


Whiteworms (Enchytraeus albidus) are probably one of the most popular form of live food cultured by aquarists. They are highly nutritious and especially valuable for conditioning rainbowfishes before spawning, or for young fast growing fish. Fed two ...

Whiteworms the Easy Way

After several years of tinkering and lots of reading and experimenting, I have finally come up with a "no mess, no hassle" formula for raising whiteworms. But fist, I'll describe the traditional method of raising these little critters. ...

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