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White worms are one of the easiest and best food to culture for feeding to killifish but are just as suitable for all freshwater tropical fish. They do not suffer pests like grindal worms do, the cultures don't stink and rot like fruit fly cultures, they don't require water like daphnia or vinegar eels, and unlike earthworms they are a near perfect size - every adult killi known can handle them from Diapterons to full grown gularis Convention wisdom and decades of aquarium literature says if you feed your fish white worms every day then they will almost certainly become fat; whiteworms are a fatty food. I don't doubt people have had problems with them, but I have not. Typically we are told to feed white worms bread soaked in milk and one has to wonder how natural of a diet this is - do worms really eat wonder bread and butterfat in the wild? Probably not, so, I tried feeding other things to my whiteworm cultures such as pumpernickle bagels and carrot shavings and spirulina. Thus, I began feeding my fish only white worms to see what would happen. So I fed white worms and I waited. I waited for all my fish to bloat up and die, but it never happened. They were fine. If anything they were not as fat as usual adult killies, they never got that slighter-larger-than-wild-type build that older tank raised killies seem to get. Hmm... White worms are comfortable at 60 F / 15 C and do not do well at higher temperatures, even if they survive them at all. If you do not have a coo ...
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