Whiteworms the Easy Way

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After several years of tinkering and lots of reading and experimenting, I have finally come up with a "no mess, no hassle" formula for raising whiteworms. But fist, I'll describe the traditional method of raising these little critters.

        White worms are terrestrial worms that grow to about 1-1.5 inches in length and live in the soil near leftover food sources. They grow and breed very rapidly, so in a matter of about 6-8 weeks you can have a good culture going to start feeding to your meat eating fishes. long ago, aquarists found that you could raise whiteworms in a box of soil, and if kept fed, there would be an almost endless supply of live food available for their fishes.

        The traditional method of raising them is as follows: Take a small container and fill it with garden soil, some peat moss or leaf loam and mix it thoroughly, making sure that it is light and airy. Moisten the soil so that it is damp but not muddy. Get a starter culture and feed it with a slice of potato, some leftover fruit, or even some bread or cereal. Remember, they are just getting started, so feed very sparingly. Either put a layer of soil over the food or place a dish or piece of glass on top of the food. The glass is a better idea since you can see how much food has been eaten. If you overfeed the food will spoil and ruin ...

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