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Grindal worms are fairly easy to culture. They're about half an inch long and thinner then a pencil lead; they're slightly less fatty than white worms and thus may be fed more often, say, every other day. As a conditioning food for breeding they may be fed daily.

They are comfortable at 70 F / 20 C to 80 F / 25 C; at lower temperatures they will stop reproducing, but not die. They do not seem bothered by higher temperatures for periods of time.

They are cultured in mix of half potting soil half peat moss in a shoe-box sized container with a lid that's fairly tight fitting to prevent loss of moisture through evaporation, but not tight enough so they'll be deprived of oxygen.

The medium should be fairly moist. There should not but puddles on the surface but if you stick your hand it it should come out wet covered with "mud". Grindal worms seem to like it a bit more moist than white worms; the soil should be wet.

The best thing to feed them is high protein baby cereal although any cereal can be used "in a pinch". They can also be fed bread soaked in milk although this tends to make them more fatty and is too much food for all but the largest culture.

On top of the culture place a piece of clear glass about 1/3 the size of the surface are, the worms will congregate under that ...

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