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For some reason fish that ignore most prepared foods will still tuck into paste food. The recipe I use is adapted from several others with my own additions- generally because those were the ingredients I had. The ingredients are listed below, with approximate (I never weigh anything) proportions by weight. Put the whole lot into a blender until its just a liquid. If you use heart you should blend it seperately with a small amount of water; otherwise you can burn out the blenders motor. Add or skip anything- save a little here or there from your own meals (especially if you’re shelling prawns) and stick them in the freezer. I would imagine this food tastes similar to most crustaceans that our fish would eat.

Whole prawns (shell on) (40-50%)
- This is the main ingredient. Use the head, tail , eggs - everything. I do remove a few of the legs but without being particularly thorough, just to stop fish wasting their time thinking they can eat them. Its amazing what whole prawns will blend down to.

Other shellfish (10-20%)
- any you can find, fresh or in brine. I’ve used clams, cockles, whelks, etc- use whatever’s cheap and available. Crabsticks are quite cheap, but contain very little crab (fish don’t seem to mind though).

Fish meat (10-20%)
-again use whatever’s cheap and available.

Heart/liv ...

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