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About Keeping Feeding Live Collected Cultured Worms Micro Vineger Grindal White Earth Infusoria Daphnia Rotifers Moina Flies Shrimp Frozen Fresh Dry Breeding Species Articles Links Clubs Fora Mongabay Biotopes Shrimp Oliver Knott's Planted Tank Pages AGA Aquascaping Tanks Chuck Gadd's Planted Tank Pages FINS:APD,Killitalk Tropica Aquatic Nursury in Denmark Cryptocorynes The Krib, home of the *.aquaria FAQs There are several kinds of "earthworms" and the one you want, as a killi-keeper is the "red wiggler" that is the smallest you can get; It gets about three inches long at most. Any good bait store should have them. To culture them, prepare a box, a Styrofoam shipping crate works well, by placing a mixture of 2/3 peat moss and 1/3 well composted manure. Add about three portions of red worms for the bait store, and feed corn mean every three of four days. In about a month you should have a lot of worms in various sizes. These worms are fairly tolerant to temperature - don't let them freeze and don't let them bake. They should be moist but not wet. Harvest them by picking them out with your fingers. ...
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