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Culture Container.
The worms don't seem particular as long as it is dark and damp. Some use wooden boxes covered with a piece of thin. Plastic boxes are perfectly acceptable provided that they do not let in light. If the box is plastic them you need to make a few small holes in the lid so the culture can "breathe".
Culture Media.
General purpose potting compost, available from garden centers, works well provided that it does not contain too much gravel or peat. White Worms do not like acidic conditions. I use a mix of potting soil and plain old garden soil about half and half. Fill the container to a depth of about 2-3 inches with the compost and gently firm it down.
Culture Moisture.
The culture media must be "very damp" but not "soggy". Wet enough to stick together but can't squeeze any water out.
Culture Temperature.
60F / 16 C is optimum as below 35F / 2C they stop breeding and above 75F / 24C the worms will die.
Feeding an established Culture.
Right now I'm using a mix of dried potato flakes and Purina Cat Chow . Most say they get the best results by using dried mashed potato flakes. Any fine oat based cereal or very damp white bread cut into small squares and placed on the surface of the culture medium. Don't dampen ...
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