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FAQ Articles;

A Complete Livestock Treatment System

A systematic scientific approach to aquatic life keeping results in reduced costs and increased efficiency and enjoyment. One aspect of the livestock business that sorely needs improvement and continuous updating is disease diagnosis and treatment ...


10.1. IP bilgilerimi nasıl görebilir ve değiştirebilirim?10.2. Sistemin routing tablosunu nasıl görebilirim ve değiştirebilirim?10.3. Linux'u ping'e nasıl kapatırım?10.4. Makinamdaki bir portu ba ...

Categories : Linux, Turkish, FAQ

Artemia (Brine Shrimps) FAQ

Having seen all the posts about brine shrimp questions, I have decided to create a FAQ for artemia culture. It is by no means the definitive source, and will be expanded on in the future. I have gathered this information from various books, public ...

Basic Garden Pond Components: Livestock & Service

Unlike much of tropical freshwater and marine livestock sales, garden pond plants, fishes and other animal sales can be surprisingly highly profitable. This due to three principal factors; the seasonality of sales, higher survivability of stock, a ...

Basic Garden Pond Components: When & How to Merchandise Them

For decades I was accused of being "the little boy who cried Pond!" by folks in the trade; no longer. Look around you, there are a dozen manufacturers offering full pond product lines; complete lines with liners, books, pumps, filters, c ...

Cichlasoma managuense

Common name: jaguar cichlid Photo by Mark Rosenstein / Active Window Productions, Inc.Photo by Jim GreenWhy is it, when I mention the name jaguar cichlid, the repsonse is always "Oh, I never heard of that one." If you like muscle fish, thi ...

Cross Site Scripting FAQ

Сегодня web-сайты интерактивнее, чем когда-либо. Большая их часть динамична и позволяет пользователю еще больше наслаждаться, путешествуя по ним. Динамическое наполнение генерируется web-приложениями, которые, в зависимости от их настроек и нужд, выводят различные данные. У динамических сайтов есть проблема, которой нет у статических - это т.н. "Cross Site Scripting" (или XSS, как это называют некоторые специалисты в области компьютерной безопасности). Сейчас существует несколько небольших заметок о уязвимостях Cross Site Scripting, но ни одна из них не объясняет эту проблему на среднем уровне или на уровне администратора. Этот FAQ был написан, чтобы обеспечить более полное понимание этой животрепещущей проблемы и дать указания по обнаружению и устранению оной.

Categories : Cross Site Scripting (XSS), HTML - Web, Cgisecurity.com, Russian, FAQ

Daphnia FAQ

Having seen many questions about Daphnia, I have decided to create a FAQ for Daphnia culture. It is by no means the definitive source, and will be expanded on in the future. I have gathered this information from various books and publications. Unl ...


İçindekiler2.1. Linux hangi ethernet kartlarını destekliyor?2.2. Linux'un güncel donanım desteğini nereden öğrenebilirim?2.3. Lazer veya mürekkep püskürtmeli yazıcımı tüm ...

Categories : Hardware, Turkish, FAQ

Dossier Css & Xss

Qu'est-ce que le Cross Site Scripting & le XSS ?Quelles sont les menaces apportées au travers de ces techniques et qu'est-ce que je risque finalement ?

Categories : Cross Site Scripting (XSS), Cgisecurity.com, French, FAQ

FAQs 2 About the Business of Pet-Fishing, Are You Ready?

Public Aquariums... discover, discern your destiny, seek your path, become yourself   1/25/06 Hello, I love saltwater fish and love taking care of my little reef tank enough that I want to work in a public aquarium.

FAQs about Business Financing

Question you may be able to help with. Possible new LFS Yes I and a friend are interested in starting a pet store.  Our Main focus of the store will be our Fish department.  We are also going to be focused on ...

FAQs about Business Locating/ions

Re: your ol' buddy from the west Texas desert... Wasn't demeaning PetCo as a chain. This specific store has a bad showing for Saltwater stuff. The supply of books and reading material is abysmal and the livestock selection is very small. The tanks ...

FAQs about Business Personnel

Job Opportunity Bob, I am sitting here waiting for fish to finish dripping (been working 16.5 hours so far today with another hour or so to go- thank goodness I love this industry or I'd be dead by now!), passing the time by finally taking a good ...

FAQs about Business Personnel

Job Opportunity Bob, I am sitting here waiting for fish to finish dripping (been working 16.5 hours so far today with another hour or so to go- thank goodness I love this industry or I'd be dead by now!), passing the time by finally taking a good ...

FAQs about Business Set-Up

Retail Acrylic Holding Systems sources   1/18/06 Hi Bob, Do you know of a company that manufactures the acrylic fish holding tanks   seen in retail stores? Please advise. Thanks Nancy

FAQs about Business Stocking

Looking for dry-goods wholesaler that's not out to gouge your eyes out   1/18/06 Hello All,    My name is Borman Quiñonez and I have made the decision to start up a reta ...

FAQs about Centralized Filtration Systems

Re: Multi Tank Systems, Size does Matter   2/2/06 Maybe I should ask another question. I am not set upon the size of the new tank, I could go larger.

FAQs About Goldfish Varieties

Mystery Goldfish - 11/10/2005 Hi I have contacted you in the past and you have been a great help.  I thought you wouldn't mind hearing about my weird fish: I have a small pond (10 ...

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Fishes,

FAQs about Marine Livestock Collection

Collecting in Kauai?   3/4/06 Hey crew, I was going to go snorkeling / diving on the island of Kauai this spring.  I was wondering what I need to do to maybe collect a fish or coral ...

FAQs about Plumbing Marine Systems 1

New Pump Plumbing Question Hi Bob, I've had a frustrating day (and evening) installing a new pump, and I desperately could use some wise guidance. Here's the deal: I have a Mag 12 pump on my 300 gallon reef tank. The flow rate for the tank is ...

FAQs About the Business of Pet-Fishing

Home business ... a nudging  3/21/06 Hi Bob, I'm thinking about starting a home based business in order to save on overhead costs.  Eventually, if I'm able to build a customer base, I would the ...

FAQs about the Coral, Shell Skeleton Business

Coral skeleton source  I found your articles and letters very informative. I have not been in the business for over ten years.  I can see a lot has changed and am having trouble finding a good decorative (skeleton) coral source e ...

FAQs About the Manufacturing Business of Pet-Fishing

Patent or not  11/11/05 Hi Bob, I know you have a wealth of experience in the aquarium industry and was hoping you might have some advice.

FAQs About the Service Company Business of Pet-Fishing

Aquarium maintenance business  2/3/06 I am trying to start a part-time aquarium maintenance business, specializing in freshwater fish and live plants. There are several larger maintenance business in the Chicago area, but most specializ ...

FAQs about Water Make Up Systems

LiterMeter waterchanges and top-off   1/4/06 Hi guys, I have set up a new 125 reef tank and have been up and running with rock, sand, and cleaning crew for a month. I can get a little lazy with waterchanges etc. so I am tr ...

FAQs on "Anacharis" Plants

Overwintering anacharis Hi All, Can anacharis be overwintered in a New England pond?  Would you advise it?  

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

FAQs on Betta Systems 2

Betta Getting An Upgrade  9/19.5/05 I've attempted to maintain various kinds of fish off and on for many years with little luck. I always get so confused about all the details and my fish rarely survive too long. However, I bought a b ...

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, BETTAS, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other - General,

FAQs on Biological Pond Filtration

Pond Filtration  12/13/05 Robert, I read several of you online articles regarding pond filtration (etc.). I'm glad you are lending a helping had to the many pond keepers who s ...

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Filters/Circulation/Aeration - Ponds,

FAQs on Block Pond Construction

Concrete block pond construction I have read with great interest (and thanks) your section on building a pond with concrete block. The walls will be concrete block and I am going to use an EPDM liner. How does one attach the liner to the block ...

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