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Pond Plants Articles;

FAQs on "Anacharis" Plants

Overwintering anacharis Hi All, Can anacharis be overwintered in a New England pond?  Would you advise it?  

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

FAQs on growing Water Lettuce in Ponds

Where to Find Water Lettuce, Pistia stratiotes  12/7/05 Hi Catherine, Yes I can grow the plant here but I can't find the seed.  Any idea who might have it ? Any leads would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks, Carlos &am ...

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

FAQs on Hornwort/Coontail

Hornwort and salt Hi from New Zealand We (the Department of Conservation) are contemplating using salt to eliminate Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort).

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

FAQs on Oxygenating Grasses for Ponds

Hydrilla Seeds Dear Sir: I am looking for Hydrilla seed for a pond, do you know where I can purchase some?   Thank You Dion Young

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

FAQs on Pond Plants in General

Pond Plants.. 8/7/05 My floating pond plants are dying and I've noticed that my one Lily is starting to turn red, I have a small pond 1000 Gal and a UV system, I have two Painted Turtles and 10 fish.( They were feeder fish but the Turts leave& ...

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

FAQs on Water Lilies

Lilies d'Amour or lilies no more?  9/27/05 We have frontage on a fresh water lake. The lily pads have overtaken the water. We can't swim, boat etc. We've tried pulling them out by hand and with implements but it is evident we are losi ...

Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

Landscaping Around Your Pond

Many of the same considerations given to plant selection and placement for around spas and pools apply to the landscape surrounding water features. You want plantings that accent and blend with the pond, fall, fountain, without adding leaf litter, ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

Oxygenating Grasses for Ponds

Successful pond water quality management can be approached from two different mentalities: "motor cruiser" or "sailboat" to label these philosophies for nautical types. The former embodies "mastering" the system with ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

Plants for All Seasons, Species of Myriophyllum

The milfoils or parrot feathers, what a beautiful name, of the genus Myriophyllum ("Mere-ee-oh-fill-um") encompass species of hardy and adaptable plants for all aquaristic endeavors; cool, cold, tropical aquariums, even ponds. Did you k ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

Pond Plant Care

We have already covered the "how" and "when" of caring for aquatic plants in previous articles; here we'll continue with aspects of ongoing up-keep. There are at least two main ways of approaching this material; by topic (e.g. ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

Pond Plants and Planting

All biological ponds can benefit from having at least some live plants in and around them. In this and the next four Sections we will cover the basics of plant stock selection, potting and placement for water lilies, other aquatic plants and the s ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

The Arrowheads, Genus Sagittaria

Arrowheads are easy to grow as aquarium or bog plants. The principal species and variants in aquarium use have been with the hobby for about as long as we've had aquariums. Indeed, Sagittaria tubers have been a human staple in North America and As ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

The Beginner Plant, "Anacharis", Elodea & Egeria

"Clarity is pleasurable", and it's about time we had some good feelings and cleared up a/the "anacharis question". How many types of this plant are there? Why does it now and then live like a champ and other times just fall apa ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

The Bunch Plants of the Genus Ceratophyllum, aka Hornworts, Coontails

Ceratophyllum demersum. Coontail, Hornwort, a hardy rootless/floating plant, much loved and vilified for its easy propagation, use as "baby hiding grass"... and as a pest weed, easily spread in the wild. Varieties can b ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

The Genus Vallisneria Linne

Amongst the most hardy and undemanding aquatic plants, vallisnerias are easily grown in most aquariums. Their easy requirements are nutrient bearing gravel, lots of light and careful initial planting (with their white crown bases barely above grav ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

Water Lettuce, Pistia stratiotes

A beautiful useful plant for aquarists and pond-ers, the water lettuce can serve several purposes given moderate lighting, aerial moisture and temperature. For toughness, providing shade, and protection for young Pistia is hard to beat. Historica ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

Water Lilies, Family Nymphaeaceae

Water lilies are the quintessential aquatic garden plants; for many people water features are "water-lily ponds". These ubiquitous livestock are well-deserving of their popularity; hardy, long-lived, with blossoms of almost every color, ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,

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