FAQs on Oxygenating Grasses for Ponds

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Categories : , English, FAQ, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,
Hydrilla Seeds
Dear Sir:
I am looking for Hydrilla seed for a pond, do you know where I can purchase some?
  Thank You
Dion Young

Re: Hydrilla
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your response and information.  It appears that Hydrilla will choke the pond.  Not good.  I have read your article on Elodea and anacharis.  They appear to be similar to Hydrilla.  Are they as hard to control.  And can I purchase seeds for this plant.

Thank you
Dion Young

Anacharis, elodea and Egeria
Your article on the website is informative, but could you tell me what are the legal issues regarding sale and use of ...

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