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Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Pond Plants,
Many of the same considerations given to plant selection and placement for around spas and pools apply to the landscape surrounding water features. You want plantings that accent and blend with the pond, fall, fountain, without adding leaf litter, or disrupting the water effects structure. Additionally, if you have livestock in your system, you need to be aware of the changes that the plants droppings will bring to the water. Plants to Use Near Aquatic Gardens: The above concerns are real; selected plants must be complementary to the setting, not break the basins with their growth, nor add toxins to the systems water. Watery concerns:  How much will "over-spray" and splash contribute to the humidity and soil wetness around or downstream from the feature? Bear in mind that some plants tolerate, even appreciate being watered continuously, others do not. Better money cannot be spent than purchasing a Sunset (tm) reference "book", and surveying the sections listed for (Problem Situations:) Plants that grow in wet soil, and Plants to use near swimming pools. These are grouped by plant type (shrub, trees, etc.) and climatic zone. Further alphabetical listings provide information on culture, size, pests, etc.

Due to the breadth of what's known, you are encouraged to avail yourself to as many other source materials as is necessary. We can only cover some basic varieties and philosophy here.

Sources of Plant Materials: As muc ...

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