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Construction - ponds Articles;

Above Ground Liner Ponds

This article further describes the increasingly popular use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) liners in producing inexpensive functional water elements; this time in above-ground settings. These liners are very appropriate technology. They cost littl ...

Building Concrete & Liner Ponds

There are several appropriate structural technologies available for building water features. Liners of different sorts, polyethylene and other plastic pre-made basins, wood & metal tubs, bituminous-asphaltum material, fiberglass and resin; ...

Concrete and Block Construction of Ponds

As you've seen, there are several methods of building water effects. Some applications call out for a formal, geometric shape. For leisurely, even solitary pace and timely ease, among other substantive reasons, use of block, mortar, concrete and o ...

Constructing Ponds in Sandy Soil

Sandy soils can be a blessing in pond construction, allowing for easier digging, forming of basins, and laying of conduits for water and electricity, and providing quick drainage of misplaced water. If you've ever dug holes in both hard and soft s ...

Container Water Gardens

What does it take to "have" an aquatic garden? Really? Just a water-holding container that won't negatively react chemically with the garden's inhabitants. Yes, that's all. By this definition everyone may enjoy water effects, of any si ...

Converting Swimming Pools, Spas to Biological Ponds

Imagine (finally) having enough space, volume in your water garden to do all the planting, fish stocking, culturing you’ve ever wanted. What, you say, there’s no room back there with the swimming pool. Well, this is exactly the body in ...

Electricity and Electrical use Around Water Gardens

What sort of hobby would we have without electricity? No pumps, lights, heaters, & other myriad utility-smile-generating devices? No fun, and lots of work. Alas, there are some folks who get along without fuel bills; and indoor plumbing ...

Excavating Water Features

Once that you've decided on a water effect for your landscape and given consideration (design) as to location, size shape to accommodate drainage, proximity to utilities and esthetics (please see previous Sections) it is time to plan the actual co ...

FAQs on Block Pond Construction

Concrete block pond construction I have read with great interest (and thanks) your section on building a pond with concrete block. The walls will be concrete block and I am going to use an EPDM liner. How does one attach the liner to the block ...

FAQs on Container Gardens

Goldfish pH Concerns  3/13/06 I know there are many articles on your site about pH and I have read what seems like hundreds of them but call me dense--I still can not seem to solve my ...

FAQs on Converting Pools, Spas to Ponds

Converting a large pool to a pond Hello, my name is Hope and I have rather large above ground pool in my yard. I want to make this a pond. the dimensions are 20' wide x 40' long. it starts at 4' deep and declines to 9' deep. right now I have no f ...

FAQs on Electricity Use On and Around Ponds

Partly thought out pond plan Hi, we are making a backyard pond in a 3 leaf clover shape and it will have a waterfall at the top of the pond. Appx size is 14' wide by 14'long with a shelf that borders the pond app ...

FAQs on Fiberglass and Polyethylene (Pre-formed) Pond Construction

utting fiberglass 8/18/05 Dear Bob I am using a hot tub shell as a pond in my yard.  There will be a waterfall into it.  I want to cut the edge or lip off the existing hot tub.  Can I do this ...

FAQs on Installing Fountains

Fountain installation/gear 10/26/05 I just found your article on the installation of a pre-cast fountain.  We are doing one similar to the wall fountain pictured, and are being told by the fountain plumber to place the pump in a 12x12 bo ...

FAQs on Liner and Concrete Pond Construction

Cementacious construction inside biological ponds  9/7/05 Robert, Have sandy soil for my pond, have question  about  using mortar and flagstone on inside to make walls. Can the  mor ...

FAQs on Liners in Pond Construction

Sealing edges of rubber liner fix  12/21/05 Hi,   I live in NC and purchased 10 beautiful acres with a 50 year old, 1 acre pond on it. It is filled with runoff water. When It rains it fills up nicely , then a ...

FAQs on Pond Construction

Regarding formal pond construction   1/7/06 Hi Robert,    I came upon your insightful tutorials online and thought perhaps I could trouble you for some additional information.  I've ...

FAQs on Using Liners in Above Ground Pond Construction

Moving goldfish indoors for winter 8/17/05 Help me....... please,                I'm losing sleep and winter's c ...

FAQs on Water Feature Rock Use/Making/Repair

Faux garden rock enquiry  12/13/05 Hi Robert, I have just read your "Rock Selection & Use" at the wet web media site. I am a grandmother and want to make some easy to handle rocks to place in my garden. Are you ...

FAQs on Waterfall Construction

Cutting fiberglass 8/18/05 Dear Bob I am using a hot tub shell as a pond in my yard.  There will be a waterfall into it.  I want to cut the edge or lip off the existing hot tub.  Can I do thi ...

Fiberglass/Resin Ponds

Fiberglass and resin ponds, whether pre-formed or made on-site are a controversial means of construction. Proponents vigorously promote then as fast and easy to install and relatively low cost (compared to concrete). On the downside, the negative ...

G.F.I.'s: Use of Ground Fault Interruptors

This article discusses the rational for and use of G.F.I.s in aquatic feature applications and offers a practical arrangement of wiring we used in our corporation. Why G.F.I.s? Electricity is useful, indeed necessary to our trade and hobby, and d ...

Installation of Pre-Cast Fountains

Wouldn't a fountain or bird bath look great right there in the yard"? "And they come pre-made, as simple as A, B, C to put together" "Be careful to lift properly and don't pinch your fingers" might be the only advice offer ...

Liners In Water Feature Construction

Pond liners are revolutionizing water gardening. They are a major part of state of the art technology in pond construction. Thank goodness for the advent of quality, inexpensive liners; for their use in waterproofing ponds waterfalls and streams ...

Pond Construction Methods

Actual building is the bug-a-boo of most waterscapers. "Oh, I don't know about electricity, concrete, plumbing... your pet fear here". Don't worry; lots of technical and labor help is available and willing. This stuff is not that hard, j ...

Ponds, Waterfalls & Streams: Making Them Level

In the course of deciding to build any given water effect there are two principle concerns: 1) That it hold water; i.e. not leak like a sieve & 2) That whatever it's made of not deleteriously effect water chemistry and physics. Regardi ...

Rock Selection & Use

A rock is a rock is a rock; or is it? The answer is no; many types of rock are unsuitable for waterscape use. Some are too soft and gradually dissolve away; many types are chemically toxic to pond life. All rocks are a danger to you, the aqua-scap ...

The D.I.Y. Indoor Pond

Building large, economical displays for aquatic life by Anthony Calfo Large marine and freshwater fishes can thrive and more readily reproduce in the spacious housing of an indoor ...

Categories : , Anthony Calfo, English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, Construction - ponds,

Waterfall Construction

Waterfalls provide aesthetic and functional elements to a waterscape: sights, sounds, aeration, oxidation of wastes, dissipation of chlorine are the most noted benefits. Design: There are as many different designs as there are waterfalls themsel ...

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