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Aquarium Setup Articles;

Setting Up A Tank, for Dummies

Originally published in The Calquarium,Volume 40, Number 7. Aquarticles Your first tank arrives home, possibly with a bag of fish, possibly not. Possibly with a kit-type collection of assorted lights, heaters, and filters, possib ...

Float and Dip Acclimation

Ever since plastic bags have been used to transport aquarium fish, hobbyists from around the world have utilized a simple method to acclimate new arrivals. This process, commonly called "floating and dipping", can be quite ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Aquarium Management,

Moving Fish: You CAN Take ‘Em With You

That we are a mobile society now goes without saying. Many families, including those with aquariums full of beloved pet fish, relocate periodically for job, family, school - or maybe even to get closer to a really good fish store! Sh ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other - General,

Old Tank Syndrome

It happens to the best of us. It was great when it started, but after a while the excitement of newness begins to wear off. You no longer rush home just to be near, and your desire to meet every need has diminished to the point wh ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner,

Overfeeding Fish

In this age of controversy and discord, it's difficult to find any issue, whether in politics, child-rearing, or even fishkeeping, in which "conventional wisdom" goes unchallenged. It's refreshing to find that there's at leas ...

"All about Filters"

There are three types of filtration: biological, mechanical and chemical. Biological filtration decomposes the toxic ammonia that fish produce as waste products. All fish tanks MUST have biological filtration; it is the cheapest, most efficient an ...

"Aquarium Lighting"

Light serves two purposes. It highlights and shows off your fish´s colors and provides (critical) energy for plants (if present). Unfortunately, the two purposes conflict somewhat. In a fish-only tank, a single low-wattage fluorescent bulb su ...

"Blue Sheets"

Fish Selection and Care Tropical fish are perhaps the easiest of all pets to maintain. There are, however, certain problems that may occur, causing new hobbyists, as well as unsuccessful existing hobbyists, to become frustrated and upset with ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner,

"PRO" Setups

We always have, and always will, put together "custom" setups - with exactly the tank and equipment the customer wants. But after a few years in business, it became clear to us that many hobbyists, especially newer ones, didn't know wher ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, James M. Kostich

"Stressed Fish"

29784 You should be aware of the type of stress that will be present in your tanks and select fish known to tolerate such conditions well. For example, if your water is hard and alkaline, you´re best off selecting fish that thrive under such ...

"Water Chemistry II"

You can raise or lower pH by adding chemicals. Because of buffering, however, the process is difficult to get right. Increasing or decreasing the pH in a stable way actually involves changing the KH. The most common approach is to add a buffer who ...

"Water Chemistry"

Water in nature is rarely pure in the distilled water sense; it contains dissolved salts, buffers, nutrients, etc., with exact concentrations dependent on local conditions. In nature, fish and plants have evolved over millions of years to the spec ...

"Water Quality"

Some fish like the discus, cardinal tetras, etc. prefer soft water. Although they can survive in harder water, they are unlikely to breed in it. So, you may feel compelled to soften your water despite the hassle involved in doing so. Typical home ...

5 Pros & 5 Cons of Undergravel Filtration

I was blessed to have James Lawrence of Microcosm Publishing as my editor/mentor while penning “The Conscientious Marine Aquarist” in the mid-nineties, though we did have some decidedly contrary opinions re gear selection… par ...

A Brief History of My Life : Part 1 - A Magnificent Catfish

Daphne C. Layley n my sixth birthday, a dear and well-meaning aunt (who, with the benefit of hinds ...

A Multipurpose Tool For Producing High Quality Water

In the natural world, objects frequently have more than one purpose. For example, a Damselfish comes to a sudden stop in the water with its pelvic fins flared downward which makes it easier for the fish to slow. A Goby comes to rest on the bott ...

A Question of Balance

It's interesting to note that three of the fastest-growing areas of fishkeeping - saltwater reef, planted aquariums, and ponds - all rely on some sort of equilibrium between plant and animal life. Rather than trusting wholly on chemicals and gadge ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other - General,

A Typical Break-In Cycle

A Typical Break-In Cycle Day 1 The newly-added fish (tank will not begin cycle until fish or some other source of ammonia is added) have not yet produced any measurable amount of ammonia. All readings should be near zero. Day ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner,


Aeration Fish extract dissolved oxygen from the water and exhale carbon dioxide, creating a shortage of the former and an excess of the latter. Aeration is the process of returning these two dissolved gases to their normal proportions. Cir ...

Aeration Backup

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket Modern power filters and canister filters are remarkable inventions: for a few pennies worth of electricity, they filter, circulate and even aerate our aquariums. Properly sized and maintained, they can handl ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Aquarium Management, Technical,

Air "Bleeder Valve"

Even the best, most expensive, air pump won't last forever without repair. But setting up a simple, inexpensive "bleeder valve" can postpone repairs or replacements considerably. Most vibrator pumps are not adjustable: they attemp ...

Air Pump İmpressions

By Steven Pro Air pumps are not utilized as often as they once were. Back in the days before safe submersible water pumps were the norm, all hobbyists had to operate the undergravel, box, sponge, and assorted other filters for their aq ...

AquaClear - Power Filter Tricks

Tools (1) Pair of Scissors or a Single Edged Craft Razor ...

Categories : , William McReynolds, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup,

Aquarium Backgrounds

Aquarium backgrounds have several aesthetic and practical purposes. They add to the overall attractiveness of an aquarium by adding depth, and by hiding the jumble of filters, tubing and power cords that are usually dangling on the tank's back. T ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other Aquarium Articles,

Aquarium Covers

A good aquarium cover keeps OUT: dust, other pets, small children, their toys, and the other half of their baloney sandwich. A good aquarium cover keeps IN: fish (that jump), snails and eels (that slither), newts and crabs (that climb), water (tha ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other Aquarium Articles,

Aquarium Hazards

Many years ago, I got involved in an aquarium decoration contest, where my winning entry was a tall 100-gallon tank that featured a fully set-up 5-gallon tank inside it. I can't remember what fishes I put in there but I won the gold ...

Categories : , Ruby Bayan, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Other - General,

Aquarium Lighting Information

ne important aspect of keeping tropical fish is aquarium lighting. This is an often overlooked area that can sometimes be confusing to a beginner. The confusion may come from the many available types of light that you can use for your tank. The ma ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Aquarium Management, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium,

Aquarium Lighting Is Important For The Health Of Your Tank

Getting the proper amounts and types of lighting in your fish tank is vital to the health of your fish and plants. Even though your fish are in an aquarium inside your home, they still need to experience light as they would in nature so you want to ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Aquarium Management, Fish Health, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium, Lee Dobbins

Aquarium Stands & Supports: Level, Planar AND Strong

Ever try picking up a five gallon container of drinking water? It's heavy! The equivalent gallonage of aquariums is even heavier, considering the tank itself, aquarium gravel, ornaments... Such gear needs to be set upon a surface that is very s ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other - General,

Aquarium Tips , for Hot Summer Weather

Hot Summer weather can get the best of any of us, including our aquarium fish. Here are a few tips to help your finned friends through the season: Don't panic! Fish are far more likely to survive high temperatures than a drastic change in en ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other - General,

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