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The water Articles;

"Chemical" filtration.

"Chemical" filtration. So: mechanical filtration filters particulates. Now, in chemical filtration, substances that are dissolved in the water, whether as molecule ...

"Water Chemistry II"

You can raise or lower pH by adding chemicals. Because of buffering, however, the process is difficult to get right. Increasing or decreasing the pH in a stable way actually involves changing the KH. The most common approach is to add a buffer who ...

"Water Chemistry"

Water in nature is rarely pure in the distilled water sense; it contains dissolved salts, buffers, nutrients, etc., with exact concentrations dependent on local conditions. In nature, fish and plants have evolved over millions of years to the spec ...

"Water Quality"

Some fish like the discus, cardinal tetras, etc. prefer soft water. Although they can survive in harder water, they are unlikely to breed in it. So, you may feel compelled to soften your water despite the hassle involved in doing so. Typical home ...

A Freshwater "Plenum."

A Freshwater "Plenum." In an undisturbed planted aquarium there are some advantages to keeping nutrients confined to the substrate and out of the ...

A Multipurpose Tool For Producing High Quality Water

In the natural world, objects frequently have more than one purpose. For example, a Damselfish comes to a sudden stop in the water with its pelvic fins flared downward which makes it easier for the fish to slow. A Goby comes to rest on the bott ...

Algae 101

Part one of three on the green/brown/red slime/crud/hair that aquarists are forever battling. Is algae harmful? For the most part, no. It is really more unsightly than it is unhealthy. Algae, like other plants, actually filters a lot of h ...

Algae Eaters

Algae Eaters Part three of three on the green/brown/red slime/crud/hair that aquarists are forever battling. Do algae eaters work? Yes, although they are far better at preventing a major algae outbreak than in cleaning up a tank that i ...

Apistogramma agassizii

Apistogramma agassizii See also: A. agassizii spawning article by Phil Ryti, originally written for the Michigan Cichlid Association. Contents: [F] Breeding Apistogramma agassizi by (Oleg Kiselev) (Mon, 8 Nov 1993) My ...

Apistogramma agassizii

In the past year my favorite fish has become the Apistogramma genus. Over 70 species are included in this genus of which 48 species have been described. I have found that most dwarf cichlids are not commonly found in the standard pet shops. Wit ...

Apistogramma balzfleck group

Contents: Culled? by Mike & Diane Wise (Mon, 19 Oct 1998) Pertensis by Mike & Diane Wise (Tue, 06 Apr 1999) Culled? by Mike & Dian ...

Apistogramma bitaeniata

Apistogramma bitaeniata Contents: Fwd: Re: What does a agassizii really look like. by swaldron/ (Steven J. Waldron) (Sat, 31 Jan 1998) A. bitaeniata by Jota Melgar (Mon, 9 Mar 1998) Breeding Api ...

Apistogramma borellii

Contents: Apistogramma borellii by "Ed Pon" (Thu, 11 Sep 1997) Maybe not so strange by "Darren J. Hanson" (Tue, 30 Sep 1997) Maybe not so strange by IDMi ...

Apistogramma cacatuoides

Apistogramma cacatuoides Contents: Apisto. Cacatuoides by oleg-at-Veritas.COM (Oleg Kiselev) (6 Aug 92) Apisto. Cacatuoides question by Mike Jacobs (Fri, 11 Jul 1997) Oh boy! by IDMiamiBob/aol. ...

Aquarium Water Chemistry

Anyone wanting to be successful at the tropical fish hobby must put forth the time necessary to understand some basic water chemistry. This will help your fish to not only survive but thrive! I recommend that you get a good aquarium water testing ...

Aquarium Water Test Kits

If you want to be successful in the tropical fish hobby (freshwater or saltwater) then you'll need to know how to test your tank water. There are many chemical tests that you can run on your tank including: Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate Salinity/Spe ...

Are Your Fish Really Suffering From Disease?

You have a fish, or several fish, that appear sick. They are scratching against decorations, lethargic, unusually nervous, or gasping at the surface of the water. Clearly, something is wrong! But before reaching for your prefered medication, stop ...

Barley Straw: Nature's Way to Rid Your Pond of String Algae

As the story goes, one warm and sunny summer day, a bale of barley straw fell into a farmer's pond in Scotland. He wasn't particularly worried about the straw in the pond and simply left it there. Several weeks later, the farmer noticed tha ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOLDFISH, KOI, Ponds, The water, Sue Speichert

Basic Water Test Kits

Testing for the amount of certain chemicals in an aquarium can reveal a lot of useful information, and can forewarn the aquarist of trouble areas. Though there are many additional test kits available, these are some that every hobbyist should cons ...

Cloudy Water

Nobody likes cloudy water: not the aquarist, certainly not his/her spouse, and absolutely not the fish! Cloudiness is not only an unsightly but an unhealthy condition for the aquarium, as huge numbers of microscopic bacteria and algae use up preci ...

Controlling algae

Controlling algae. Controlling algae is an urgent topic. From the following material you'll get an outline of the battle, which is fought along seven main fronts, viz: physical control, limiting nutrients, allelopathic chemis ...

Diatoms (and a Dinoflagellate too)

Diatoms. The familiar brown incrustations on glass and plant leaves and rocks that cause trouble in freshwater tanks, which we sometimes still miscall "brown algae," are the ...


Any body of water that is exposed to air is subject to evaporation to some extent, and aquariums are no exception. The water level drops over time - especially during the winter months when heated, dry air seems to almost suck the water right ou ...

False Ammonia Readings

Once the first week or so of the Break-In Cycle is over, any ammonia readings higher than zero are cause for concern. Since even trace amounts of this toxic waste product can cause both short and long term damage to fish, some hobbyists routinely ...

Filtration techno.

Another huge subject. What I have here are more in the nature of some modest scattered footnotes. You might begin your techno education at once again and trace out the links you ...

Freshwater Substrates

Aquarium substrates or gravel fulfills a few functions for us as aquarists. Gravel/sand provides living space for beneficial microbes, perhaps alkaline reserve and other chemicals for a system. There may be behavioral benefits for your livestock, ...

Getting Answers To Problems

I run a small basic website, and receive a great deal of mail each month from people with fish problems, and many are at the stage of packing the whole thing in due to their constant fish losses, or because everything they do just seems to ...

Green Water

These photosynthesizing protists are the true green base of the whole freshwater food chain. In the old biological schemes, in which every organism had to be "either a p ...

High Ammonia Readings

Though it's not as commonplace as some people seem to think, sometimes an aquarium will show high ammonia levels when checked with a test kit. After ruling out the possibilities of New Tank Syndrome and False Ammonia Reading, it's time to look into ...

How Many Fish?

They decided many years ago that four inches by four inches of surface area per inch of fish was the correct formula in a tank without aeration, and this still stands today, even with all the technology that is available. A four inch ...

Categories : by Bill "Pegasus NZ", English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium Management, The water, by Bill "Pegasus NZ"

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