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Apistogramma Articles;

A. sp. "Wangenflecken"

A. sp. Wangenflecken?? by "V Kutty" Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 To: I was told that these fish are imported from somewhere Far East. I actually picked up a ...


These cichlid are a far cry from their counterparts in South America. Measuring no more than 4.5" (11.5cm), these cichlids have rightfully earned their title of New World Dwarf Cichlids. These fish can be found in small streamsand oxbow lakes throughout tropical South America.The largest group of Dwarf Cichlids are of the genus Apistogramma .More than 50 species make up this genus.Other fish included in the category of DwarfCichlids are Microgeophagus ( Papiliochromis) species.Many other genera are included in this group, although they are not included in this book.

Apistogramma "Rio Mamore Red

This Apistogramma, which I'm told is either a trifasciata or something closely related, should gain some quick popularity in the hobby. The male has attractive finage and a bright red 'flag' of a tail. The female during breading and fry care, has ...

Apistogramma agassizii

Apistogramma agassizii See also: A. agassizii spawning article by Phil Ryti, originally written for the Michigan Cichlid Association. Contents: [F] Breeding Apistogramma agassizi by oleg-at-netcom.com (Oleg Kiselev) (Mon, 8 Nov 1993) My ...

Apistogramma agassizii

In the past year my favorite fish has become the Apistogramma genus. Over 70 species are included in this genus of which 48 species have been described. I have found that most dwarf cichlids are not commonly found in the standard pet shops. Wit ...

Apistogramma atahualpa (aka sp. "Sunset")

Apistogramma atahualpa (aka sp. "Sunset") Contents: A. sp. "Sunset" by Randy or Deb Carey (Thu, 30 Oct 1997) RE: Introduction by Bill MacIndewar (Tue, ...

Apistogramma atahualpa: The Sunset Apisto

by Don Kinyon

Apistogramma atahualpa: The Sunset Apisto

by Don Kinyon

Apistogramma balzfleck group

Contents: Culled? by Mike & Diane Wise (Mon, 19 Oct 1998) Pertensis by Mike & Diane Wise (Tue, 06 Apr 1999) Culled? by Mike & Dian ...

Apistogramma bitaeniata

Apistogramma bitaeniata Contents: Fwd: Re: What does a agassizii really look like. by swaldron/slip.net (Steven J. Waldron) (Sat, 31 Jan 1998) A. bitaeniata by Jota Melgar (Mon, 9 Mar 1998) Breeding Api ...

Apistogramma borelli "Gold"

Apistogramma borelli "Gold" Text and Photo by Wallace Cox Finformation, September 2001   ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, SOUTH AMERICAN, Apistogramma, Wallace Cox

Apistogramma borellii

Contents: Apistogramma borellii by "Ed Pon" (Thu, 11 Sep 1997) Maybe not so strange by "Darren J. Hanson" (Tue, 30 Sep 1997) Maybe not so strange by IDMi ...

Apistogramma borellii: The "Little Opals"

On a family trip to eastern Pennsylvania, we scheduled a lengthy side trip to George Fear's fish establishment in northern New Jersey. George is a hobbyist turned commercial, who has a terrific selection of c ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, SOUTH AMERICAN, Apistogramma, Jane E. Swanson

Apistogramma cacatuoides

Apistogramma cacatuoides Contents: Apisto. Cacatuoides by oleg-at-Veritas.COM (Oleg Kiselev) (6 Aug 92) Apisto. Cacatuoides question by Mike Jacobs (Fri, 11 Jul 1997) Oh boy! by IDMiamiBob/aol. ...

Apistogramma cacatuoides

The cacatuoides, in my opinion, are the easiest of the Apistogramma group to breed. This particular fish has been known to spawn in alkaline, moderately hard water. It has been found that the water parameters play ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, SOUTH AMERICAN, Apistogramma, Francine Bethea

Apistogramma cacatuoides

Common Name: Cacatoo Cichlids, Crested Dwarf Cichlid This species was discovered in 1950 between the 69th and 71st parallels W. in the Amazon basin. H. Meinken mistakenly identified the as A. borelli in 1961 (REGAN, 1906) and they were sold to hobbyists under this name. Another version of this article was pulbished in the Apisto-Gram, the newsletter for the Apistogramma Study Group in their double issue; Vol 14 No. 4 Issue #57 decemter 1997 and Vol 15 No. 1 Issue #58 March 1998.

Apistogramma cruzi

Apistogramma cruzi Contents: A. cruzi? by Jota Melgar (Wed, 21 Jan 1998) Substrate- was A. cruzi? by Jota Melgar (Wed, 21 Jan 1998) Mating behavior? (A.cruzi) ...

Apistogramma diplotaenia

A. diplotaenia by Mike & Diane Wise Date: Sun, 30 Aug 1998 To: apisto/majordomo.pobox.com Jason, A. diplotaenia is much like A. elizabethae - a really tough fish to keep and breed. Very few ...

Apistogramma elizabethae

by Don Kinyon

Apistogramma elizabethae

Apisto. sp. " Rio Mamore " + Crenicara punctulata by Marco Lacerda Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 To: apisto/majordomo.pobox.com Erik Olson wrote: > > On Fri, 19 Dec 1997, Mroz, Tom w ...

Apistogramma eunotus

Contents: Apisto. sp."Algodon" by Mike & Diane Wise (Sat, 19 Jun 1999) A. sp. Goias by Frauley/Elson (Fri, 29 Jan 1999) female ma ...

Apistogramma geisleri (sp. "Smaragd"/"Emerald")

Apistogramma geisleri (sp. "Smaragd"/"Emerald") Contents: Apisto species info wanted. by Marco Lacerda (Thu, 02 Oct 1997) Apisto species info wanted. by Marco Lacerda

Apistogramma gephyra (and "Rio Xingu")

gephyra or agassizii? by Marco Lacerda Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 To: apisto/majordomo.pobox.com Hi! Recently Randy explained very well the differences between Apisto agassizii and Apisto gephyra. He li ...

Apistogramma gibbiceps

Apistogramma gibbiceps Contents: Suggestion Re: Spam by Mike Jacobs (Thu, 11 Sep 1997) suggestions needed by Mike Jacobs (Wed, 25 Mar 1998) My first apisto photos b ...

Apistogramma guttata

A. guttata by ttwilki/ibm.net Date: Sat, 08 May 1999 To: apisto/admin.listbox.com I collected A. guttata two years ago in Venezuela and most of the stock available today comes from that collection. These are hardey fish and breed fairly prol ...

Apistogramma hippolytae

Fwd: Help me ID Fish, A.hippolytae perhaps? by Mike & Diane Wise Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 To: apisto/admin.listbox.com David, It sounds like A. hippolytae alright, but I've never seen an apisto ...

Apistogramma hongsloi

Apistogramma hongsloi Contents: A.hongsloi by Mike Jacobs (Tue, 28 Oct 1997) A.hongsloi by "Darren J. Hanson" (Fri, 24 Oct 1997) Cross Breeding In Apistos by ...

Apistogramma iniridae

A. iniridae by Randy or Deb Carey Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 To: apisto/majordomo.pobox.com Yes. Just as Linke/Staeck says about iniridae, ..."abdominal stripes which may appear also as sooty area on the p ...

Apistogramma juruensis

Hello! by Jota Melgar Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 To: "INTERNET:apisto/majordomo.pobox.com" > A. sp. aff. juruensis has two conflicting collecting & ...

Apistogramma luelingi

Apistogramma luelingi Contents: Sexing A. Nijsseni by Doug Brown (Tue, 24 Mar 1998) Sexing A. Nijsseni by swaldron/slip.net (Steven J. Waldron) (Tue, 24 Mar 1998) Sexing A. Nijsseni by Doug Brown

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