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Albino Mystery Snail, Pomacea bridges

Apple Snail, Pomacea paludosa

Black Mystery Snail, Pomacea bridges

Gold Snail, Pomacea bridges

Ramshorn Snail, Marisa cornuarietus


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SNAILS Articles;

BackPomacea (pomacea) insularum , (D'Orbigny, 1839)

The South American ampullarid Pomacea insularum is classified under the canaliculata complex. This is a groups af very closely related species which are very variable in size and appearance. Shell: The shell of this apple snail spec ...

Chapter 8 - Freshwater snails

Biology Public health importance Control measures References Selected further reading Intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis and foodborne trematode infections Many species of freshwater snail belonging to the family Pla ...

Freshwater Molluscan Shells / Viviparidae

Viviparus georgianus (Lea, 1834), (left), and Campeloma linum (Anthony, 1860), (right). Campeloma has the large foot characteristic of active s ...

Classification of freshwatersnails

Phylum Mollusca (mollusks) Class Gastropoda Subclass Pulmonata Order Archaeopulmonata Superfamily Ellobiacea Family Ellobiidae Superfamily Melampidacea Family Melampidae Order Basommatophora Superfamily Acroloxacea Family Acroloxi ...

Clean (Mechanical) Filters Regularly

Aquarium filters are marvelous devices, saving aquarists a lot of work as they collect waste products for easier removal. But that "removal" remains the hobbyist's job, and one that should not be taken lightly. Nearly all filters, eve ...

Cloudy Water

Nobody likes cloudy water: not the aquarist, certainly not his/her spouse, and absolutely not the fish! Cloudiness is not only an unsightly but an unhealthy condition for the aquarium, as huge numbers of microscopic bacteria and algae use up preci ...


Any body of water that is exposed to air is subject to evaporation to some extent, and aquariums are no exception. The water level drops over time - especially during the winter months when heated, dry air seems to almost suck the water right ou ...

Eva's Aquarium Snails Page

Aquarium snails I almost forgot the snails. I have three different kinds of snails already. I don't mind them as long as they don't get too big or too many. Since I usually have rather few fish in my aquariums (in the past at least) I think they m ...

Family Ampullariidae Lanistes

The snails of this genus have sinistral shells,but their bodies are dextral. The shells are globose to ovoid or discoidal. Lanistes alexandri(Bourguignat) Shell about 20 mm.From Tanzania Lanistes bicarinatus(Germain) Shell about 40 mm,globose,ch ...

Family Assimineidae

Assiminea grayana(Fleming,1828) Shell cone-shaped with a sharp top,up to 6,5-7 whorls,aperture oval,light-brown or reddish-brown,height up to 7,5 mm x width 4,5 mm. Male shells or smaller than those of females. The body of the animal is grey with ...

Family Physidae

Physiidae-The shells of the species of this family are coiled in an anti-clockwise direction.The tentacles are slender.If they are disturbed they shake their shell. Aplexa hypnorum(Linnaeus,1758) Shell cone shaped,sharp pointed,brown or yellowish, ...

Feeder Fish

Many keepers of large, predatory fish choose to feed live fish (most commonly goldfish, guppies or minnows) periodically. In some cases, the predator in question will not accept non-living foods, but more often, the aquarist considers live feeders ...

Freshwater About Snails

Many beginning hobbyists think snails are essential as scavengers, only to find that some red ramshorns, after a day or two in the tank, will get their antennae nipped by fish every time they poke their head out, and ...

Freshwater Molluscan Shells

Hydrocenidae Minute amphibious snails classified with the old archeogastropoda, native to eastern and southern Asia, and southern Europe. One species is listed for southern Africa by Pilsbry and Becqu ...

Freshwater Molluscan Shells / Pulmonata / Basommatophora

Physella sp. Freshwater Pulmonate Gastropods Freshwater pulmonate snails are characteristically thin and light s ...

Freshwater Snail


Freshwater snails

elcome to the new introduction page of the freshwater snails.This part of the site has information about the biology of freshwatersnails. On different pages you will find the species within their Superfamilies and Families. Biology Breathing Ne ...

How to "Nuke" a Tank

On (hopefully very rare) occasion, the aquarium hobbyist will find a need to "nuke" an aquarium - that is, to remove all fish, then thoroughly clean the tank and hopefully remove most of the parasites and parasites it may have contained. S ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, SNAILS, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other - General,


Superfamily Rissoacoidea Family Hydrobiidae Genus Akiyoshia Genus Alzoniella Genus Amnicola Genus Angrobia Genus Antrobia Genus Antroselates Genus Aphaostracon Genus Arganiella Genus Ascorhis Genus Avenionia Genus Belgrandia Genus Belgra ...

Lighting Duration

Just how long should an aquarium light be kept on each day? In planted or reef aquariums, 10 to 12 hours should be sufficient to give plants the energy to produce sugars and oxygen by photosynthesis - assuming the light is intense enough as well. ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, SNAILS, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner,

Oil Slicks

Some aquarists occasionally notice what appears to be an oily film on the surface of the water in their tanks. This is especially common in heavily planted "natural" aquariums, where surface agitation is purposely minimized to help kee ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, SNAILS, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other - General,

Physa Acuta

Physa Acuta The tadpole snail is the most interesting snail in my tank, behaviorally. It's the most annoying too: they breed like crazy, they're always running around messing things up, and they're not very pretty. Not like the r ...


Pila africana(Martens,1886) Shell about 50 mm,dark-brown with dark spiral bands. In small,shadowed streams in forests from Liberia to Ghana. Also in Zaire and Sierra Leone. Pila cecillei(Philippi,1841) Shell is large,about 70 mm.In Madagascar in ...

Pomacea (pomacea) canaliculata , (Lamarck, 1819)

The South American ampullarid Pomacea canaliculata is classified under the canaliculata complex. This is a groups af very closely related species which are very variable in size and appearance. Shell: The shell of this apple snail ...

Pomacea (pomacea) lineata

The South American ampullarid Pomacea lineata is classified under the canaliculata complex. This is a groups af very closely related species which are very variable in size and appearance. Shell: The shell of this apple snail species ...

Red Ramshorn

Planorbis Rubrum (?) Red Ramshorn These snails are my babies. They are the ones Travis gave me from his Aquababies tank, and they're the first snails I got to watch grow up from the very beginning. They're not nearly as interesting to w ...

Robyn's Snail FAQ Page

1. Q: Will my snails eat fish poop? A: No. There is no freshwater animal that eats feces but there are some in the ocean that do. 2. Q: Is there an animal that will eat my snail's poop? A: No. See the last answer. 3. Q: My snail has le ...


Just about everyone who has kept an aquarium has had to deal with a snail infestation at one time or another - and knows how irritating it can be trying to get rid of the little critters. While snails are not directly harmful to fish, a huge ...


Snail Species The most common variety of "pest" snail is the Ramshorn snail. Apple snails (Ampullaria sp), which can grow to the size of a small grapefruit, are often purposely introduced as part of the aquarium display, whilst Trumpet ...

Snails (Gastropoda)

Snails and limpets have a single coiled, one piece shell. New shell growth is on the outermost part of the coil. Some shells are round and flat and some are like a cone with a point. Snails have a distinct head with a pair of tentacles, that ext ...

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