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Planorbis Rubrum (?)
Red Ramshorn

These snails are my babies. They are the ones Travis gave me from his Aquababies tank, and they're the first snails I got to watch grow up from the very beginning. They're not nearly as interesting to watch as the Physa Acuta or the Malaysian Trumpet Snails behavior-wise. But they are absolutely gorgeous. I have five large ones and countless babies. Some of the second generation babies' shells are starting to get color, which is exciting! These snails are the largest in my tank, at about 3/4 inch diameter as I write this. They are round, and have spirals that look like ram's horns (natch). They have big beefy pink bodies with little white speckles on them, and their antennae are nice and long. They are the mastiffs of snails in my tank, if you will. I bought one of my larger ones from a fish store that thought I was crazy for 50 cents. He is kind of golden colored (iridescent gold with spots). It is interesting because you can see the difference in his shell from when he was living in the fish store and when he was living in my tank: now he looks more red than golden. His name is Hugo. The rest remain unnamed. Hugo Unfortunately, my ramshorns' shells have deteriorated because of the softness of the water in my area (you can see this happening a little at the center of the shell on the snail in this picture). But they are still gorgeous! Behavior:
For the mos ...

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