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Other Aquarium Articles Articles;

"Breaking In" the New Aquarist

It's a done deal. The complete aquarium setup is sold, and the excited new hobbyist, the somewhat less excited spouse, and the previously excited children are gathering up the various components for the trip home. The dealer has explained a ...

Categories : James M. Kostich, Aquarium, Other Aquarium Articles, Articles for Retailers,


Two or three species, belonging to the genus Etroplus , are found on the Asian Continent. These species live in the brackish water estuaries and lagoons of India and Sri Lanka.

Fish Room Emergency

Just when you think you've got it all under control... The sidewalk's shoveled, parking spaces are plowed, door locks are thawed, and the chatter of a store full of customers is drowning out the incessant but disregarded humming, whirring ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, Aquarium, Other Aquarium Articles, Articles for Retailers,

POWERful "medicine" , Ultraviolet Treatment for Aquariums and Ponds

Just as in human medicine, aquarium treatments for pathogens and pests often have undesired side effects or may even put the "patients" at risk. Antibiotics may inhibit the beneficial bacteria, so that ammonia or nitrite levels rise. ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, Aquarium, Other Aquarium Articles, Articles for Retailers,

Priced to Sell: Retail pricing of Aquarium Fish

Next to healthy stock and great display techniques, the best way to actually "merchandize" aquarium fish is to develop a sound pricing strategy. This doesn't mean slashing prices until they're the lowest in town - in fact, in some case ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, Aquarium, Other Aquarium Articles, Articles for Retailers,

10 Great Fish for Beginning Aquarists

An aquarium dealer need only look at the length of the stock list his favorite wholesaler has just faxed over to see what an enormous variety of tropical fish are on the market today. To a new hobbyist, the choices must seem endless, and yet dep ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, Aquarium, Other Aquarium Articles, Articles for Retailers,

A Long Way To Go

I am not a technical person. My concept of DIY is to make a phone call to somebody who can do it for me. I got ten thumbs when it comes to the simplest possible craft and I habitually use my trusted manicure file to screw lose screws back in pl ...

A Loricariid Aquarium

Small Loricariid catfish require fast moving water, of 50% rain water and 50% tap water with a modest temperature range of between 73�F and 75�F. Whilst in the main they are nocturnal and require the shade of both bogwood and rock w ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, Other Aquarium Articles, Malcolm Goss


Olga spent a holiday on the Rio Negro, Brazil, with a group of like-minded people interested in aquatic plants rather than fish. Illustrated.

A Tour of China in Winter , A Photographic Visit to Ocean Park, Hong Kong , Part 6a

Ocean Park is a large aquarium and entertainment complex. It was great fun to visit at Christmas time.

A Tour of China in Winter , A Visit to the Guilin Ocean Aquarium , Part 3b

The Guilin Ocean Aquarium was opened in 2003. It has a fine collection of fresh and salt water fish, presented in a straightforward manner. Photos.

A Tour of China in Winter , A Visit to the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium , Part 4b

The Shanghai Ocean Aquarium is situated at the base of the Oriental Pearl Tower. It must rank as one of the best in the World. A photographic tour.

A Tour of China in Winter , An Aquarium Market in Xi'an , Part 2b

The aquarium store district in Xi'an is old-fashioned and primitive. Fish are sold outdoors in winter even in sub-zero weather. Lots of photos of goldfish and nice display tanks.

A Tour of China in Winter , An Arcade of Aquarium Shops in Beijing , Part 1c

A photographic visit to an indoor aquarium mall in Beijing, together with some comments about the aquarium hobby in China.

A Tour of China in Winter , Fish Seen in Chinese Restaurants

Fish, particularly freshwater ones, are popular food items in China. Large restaurants have tanks full of live fish. Some strange creatures are eaten in China too! Photos.

A Tour of China in Winter , Introduction, and the Tourist Sights of Beijing , Part 1a

A winter tour of the tourist sights of Beijing, including the Great Wall, Tianenmen Square, and the Forbidden City. Lots of photographs. No fish in this part!

A Tour of China in Winter , The Goldfish Pagoda at Ocean Park, Hong Kong , Part 6b

The Goldfish Pagoda has a large collection of goldfish varieties displayed in a sophisticated manner. A photographic tour.

A Tour of China in Winter , The Space-Age City of Shanghai , Part 4a

A photographic tour of China's major port city, from the old to the spectacular 21st Century skyline.

A Tour of China in Winter , The Spectacular Scenery of Guilin , Part 3a

A cruise down the Li River has been called "perhaps the transcendant tourist experience of all China." Reed Flute Cave. Fishermen at Elephant Hill. Photos.

A Tour of China in Winter , Xi'an and the Army of Terracotta Warriors , Part 2a

Xi'an was once the capital of China. As well as the famous Terracotta Warriors there are lots of other historic sights. Photos. This article is not about fish!

A Tour of China in Winter , A Visit to the Beijing Aquarium , part 1b

The Beijing Aquarium was recently built. It incorporates all the latest ideas. Photographs.

A Tour of China in Winter , The Beijing Museum of Natural History , Part 1d

The Natural History Museum displays lots of skeletons, and has a small aquarium. Photos.

A Tour of China in Winter, Jiangyin Road, a Street of Aquarium Shops in Shanghai , Part 4c

Jiangyin Road has a mixture of old time open-air market stands and large modern shops with lots of fish. Photos.

A Visit to Oriental Aquatics, of Singapore

"Oriental Aquatics is one of the biggest, if not the biggest aquatic plant importers/exporters in the World." A photographic tour.

A Visit to the National Aquarium of Cuba , Acuario Nacional de Cuba

The Acuario Nacional de Cuba displays fish and corals from the tropical Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Its dolphin and sea lion shows are popular with the local people. Lots of photos.

Advances in Aquarium Lighting:

Aquarium enthusiasts have looked for different features in aquarium lighting over the last century. Window light gave way to electric fixtures in the early years of the hobby to provide consistency and convenience. In the 1960's, fluorescen ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, Aquarium, Other Aquarium Articles, Articles for Retailers,

Another Aquarist of Bangalore: Mr.Vasudevan

After reading the above series, Naga kindly contributed this article about another Indian aquarist. Many photos, with an Indian flavour.

Aquarium Backgrounds

Aquarium backgrounds have several aesthetic and practical purposes. They add to the overall attractiveness of an aquarium by adding depth, and by hiding the jumble of filters, tubing and power cords that are usually dangling on the tank's back. T ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other Aquarium Articles,

Aquarium Covers

A good aquarium cover keeps OUT: dust, other pets, small children, their toys, and the other half of their baloney sandwich. A good aquarium cover keeps IN: fish (that jump), snails and eels (that slither), newts and crabs (that climb), water (tha ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Other Aquarium Articles,

Aquarium Photography

Aquarium photography presents almost all the problems normally encountered in other aspects of photography, such as small subjects, low light levels, moving subjects, camera-shy subjects, troublesome ba ...

Categories : , Edwin (Bud) Welty, Aquarium, Other Aquarium Articles, People and their aquariums, William R. Kenney

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