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Habitats Articles;


BIOTOPE AQUARIA -- Updated June.01.2004 A biotope aquaria is an aquarium that is set-up to simulate a natural habitat. The fish, plants, water chemistry, and furnishings are similar to those that can be found in a specific natural setting. ...

How Cichlids Get Namned

Before we begin talking about how Cichlids get named, we need to first define what a Cichlid is. A Cichlid (pronounced "sick-lid") is a fish belonging to the family Cichlidae, which has over 85 genera and ...

How water is formed

from the sea to the tap

Inbreeding Tropical Fish, Good or Bad?

According to some aquarists inbreeding is an evil thing while other hobbyists seem to believe that an inbreeding philosophy is a neutral thing which is neither good nor bad. To me it depends upon the application in ...

Introduction to Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi is the ninth largest of the planet's lakes. Lake Malawi, like Lake Tanganyika is long and narrow, and very deep. The pH values in this lake are in the range of 7.7-8.6, which is slightly lower than Tang ...

Rapid speciation , Understanding the Lake Malawi cichlid radiation

Introduction The cichlid family of fishes is one of the most species-rich of all vertebrate families. Most of these species occur in three East African lakes, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi. Lake Mal ...

The Evolution of Cichlids

All of us are fascinated by cichlids, and probably by their diversity and the sheer number of species and variations on the theme cichlids. At one time or another we have probably wondered where they came from, how ...

The History Of Tropheus

The Tropheus species from Lake Tanganyika is almost mythical among cichlid keepers. They are fragile, aggressive, expensive, need a special diet and easily get sick and die on you. The female holds her fry for an e ...

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