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Acei, Pseudotropheus acei

Auratus, Melanochromis auratus

Brichardi, Neolamprologus brichardi

Brichardi - Albino, Neolamprologus brichardi

Chipokae (juv.), Melanochromis chipokae

Compressiceps, Dimidiochromis compressiceps

Duboisi, Tropheus duboisi

Electric Blue Hap., Sciaenochromis frieri (ahli)

Elongatus (Likoma), Pseudotropheus elongatus

Frontosa (adult), Cyphotilapia frontosa

Fulleborni OB, Labeotropheus fulleborni

Gold Labidochromis see Yellow Labidochromis

Jewel Cichlid, Hemichromis bimaculatus

Kribensis, Pelvicachromis pulcher

Leleupi, Neolamprologus leleupi

Peacock - Blue Orchid, Copadichromis azureus

Red Empress, Protomelas taeniolatus

Tretocephalus, Neolamprologus tretocephalus

Trewavasae - Red Top, Labeotropheus trewavasae

Venustus, Nimbochromis venustus

Yellow Labidochromis, Labidochromis caeruleus

Yellow-fin Borleyi, Copadichromis borleyi

Zebra - Albino, Pseudotropheus zebra

Zebra - Blue BB, Pseudotropheus zebra

Zebra - Red, Pseudotropheus zebra

Zebra - Red Top Cobalt, Pseudotropheus zebra

Neolamprologus Buescheri

Altolamprologus Calvus

Lepidiolamprologus attentuatus

Metriaclima estherae

Cyphotilapia Frontosa


Neolamprologus Brevis

Neolamprologus Ocellatus

Tropheus moorii

Other articles - African cichlids

Pseudocrenilabrus Multicolor

Pseudocrenilabrus Nicholsi

Tilapia butterkofferi , Buttikoferi Cichlid

Julidochromis Dickfeldi

Species of Astatotilapia - Lake Victoria

Astatotilapia Aeneocolor, Astatotilapia Latifasciata, Astatotilapia Nubila, AstatotilapiaTricolor Fulu,

Species of Haplochromis - Lake Victoria

Haplochromis Guiarti - Red Eye, Haplochromis Obliquidens - Labrochromis İshmaeli, Haplochromis sp. All Red, Haplochromis sp. Blue Bar, Haplochromis sp. Blue Fire Fins, ...

Species of Aulonocara - Lake Malawi

Aulonocara Aquilonium, Aulonocara Auditor, Aulonocara Baenschi "Nkhomo", Aulonocara Baenschi "Maleri", Aulonocara Brevinidus, ...

Species of Buccochromis - Lake Malawi Cichlids

Buccochromis Atritaeniatus, Buccochromis Heterotaenia, Buccochromis Lepturus, Buccochromis Nototaenia, Buccochromis Oculatus, ...

Species of Copadichromis - Lake Malawi Cichlids

Copadichromis Azureus, Copadichromis Azureus "Maleri", Copadichromis Azureus "Mbenji", Copadichromis Boadzulu, Copadichromis Borleyi, ...

Species of Melanochromis - Lake Malawi

Melanochromis Auratus, Melanochromis sp. ''Auratus Elongate'', Melanochromis Baliodigma, Melanochromis Brevis, Melanochromis sp. ''brown'', ...

Species of Pseudotropheus - Lake Malawi

Pseudotropheus sp. ''acei'', Pseudotropheus sp. ''aggressive bars'', Pseudotropheus sp. ''aggressive brown'', Pseudotropheus sp. ''aggressive grey'', Pseudotropheus sp. ''aggressive grey head'', ...

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Aulonocara stuartgranti

Above: Aulonocara stuartgranti, male (upper photo) and female (lower phtoto), from the original description by Meyer & Riehl (1985). A probable synonym of this species is Aulonocara hansbaenschi. Scroll down for additional photos ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Aulonocara - Lake Malawi, Aulonocara Stuartgrandi,

Astatotilapia nubila

Astatotilapia nubila Species Photo Species Information Table Species Astatotilapia nubila, (Boulenger, 1906) Distribution Lakes Vic ...

Copadichromis “Fire Crest Yellow”


Categories : , Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Copadichromis - Lake Malawi Cichlids, Copadichromis "Fire Crest Yellow", Copadichromis "Fire Crest Yellow" (Makanjila), Copadichromis "Fire Crest Yellow" (Nkanda),

FAQs on Cichlid Behavior

Questions about 'inherited' tank ... Cichlid... beh., comp.  - 03/05/06 Good evening and I hope this finds you doing well! I have spent the past several days reading various articles from your site in an attempt to learn more about th ...

FAQs on Cichlid Compatibility

Questions about 'inherited' tank ... Cichlid... beh., comp.  - 03/05/06 Good evening and I hope this finds you doing well! I have spent the past several days reading various articles from your site in an attempt to learn more about th ...

FAQs on Cichlid Disease 1

Hole in Severum hello please bear with me as I ask this question as I am new to this ok I have a 55 gallon tank with a Severum in it that looks like an Oscar I have a smaller version of him as well and two cat fish ones a shark like and the o ...

FAQs on Cichlid Foods/Feeding/Nutrition

Pike Cichlid Won't Eat 10/11/05 Hello, great site. I have a 55 gallon (soon to be a 110 gallon) with a tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey, golden pike, Pleco, and angelica cat. Each fish is about two inches except the Oscar wh ...

FAQs on Cichlid Selection

Colorful Dwarf Cichlids    3/2/06 What is the largest pair of cichlids (full grown in inches) that would live (at full size) comfortably in a 20 gallon long tank (cycled)? I would like a pretty colorful fish/pair for t ...

L. trewavasae “mpanga red”

Systematics.  The genus Labeotropheus was originally described by Ahl (1927).  The genus is notable for the well-developed “nose” and inferior located mouth that allow feeding while sw ...


Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN,


Editor's note : After several emails exchanges with Owen and comparisons with pictures of the wild Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos on differents sites and cichlid books to the ones shown in those pages, we came to the conclusion t ...

Categories : , Peter Hofman, English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Melanochromis - Lake Malawi, Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos, Owen Hoffman

Melanochromis lepidiadaptes

  Above: Melanochromis lepidiadaptes (formerly known as Melanochromis "lepidophage"), from Makanjila on the southeastern shore of Lake Malawi. This scale-eating species can be recognized by the spot in the caudal fin an ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Melanochromis - Lake Malawi, Melanochromis Lepidiadaptes,

Melanochromis vermivorus

Above: I had just caught this male Melanochromis vermivorus on hook and line at Thumbi Island East in Monkey Bay, Malawi, and photographed it to show the iridescent blue-purple dorsal fin typical of males at this locality. Photo copyright ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Melanochromis - Lake Malawi, Melanochromis Vermivorus,


A great deal of cichlids live in the numerous other rivers and lakes of Africa. Among these bodies of water are the Zaire, Zambezi, Nile, Gambia, and Niger Rivers; the Okavango River Delta, the Sierra Leone regions; the rainforests of Central Africa; and lakes Albert, Volta, and Victoria. The water of these various bodies of water is often acidic, although some are known to be alkaline. Since these African species differ so much in behavior, feeding habits, biotopes, and size, no general suggestions covering most of the group, can be made.

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN,

Pseudotropheus ater

  Above: Pseudotropheus ater (formerly known as P. "elongatus black"), photographed underwater at Chinyankwazi Island. From Plate 6g of Ribbink et al., 1983; reproduced by permission of the Zoological Society of So ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Pseudotropheus - Lake Malawi, Pseudotropheus Ater,

The Dwarf African Mouthbrooders: Part One: The Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor Complex

(This article was originally published in Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine, Jan 1982; pp. 30-35, 59-63. It is here reproduced with the permission of author Dr. Paul V. Loiselle). In 1903, the German aquarist Schoeller reported upon his ...

"Melanochromis" labrosus Trewavas, 1935

Above: "Melanochromis" labrosus Trewavas, 1935 is a somewhat enigmatic Mbuna species, a rarely encountered skulker on rocky shores. The subadult individual above was about 55 mm (2.2 inches) standard length (SL, excluding caudal fi ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Melanochromis - Lake Malawi, Melanochromis Labrosus,

A sparkling jewel: Xenotilapia , melanogenys (Boulenger, 1898)

Description Xenotilapia melanogenys was until recently known under the name of Enantiopus melanogenys, but was moved to the genus Xenotilapia by Takahashi in 2003 - for more information on this topic please see Synopsis of Xenotilapia Boulenger, 1 ...

A Visit to the Central Tanzanian Coast of Lake Tanganyika

(This article was originally published in Cichlid News Magazine Apr-98 pp. 6-15, It is reproduced here with the permission of author Ad Konings and Aquatic promotions). A male Cyathopharynx foai at Sibwesa. Photo by Ad Konings. ...

A Visit to the Central Tanzanian Coast of Lake Tanganyika

(This article was originally published in Cichlid News Magazine Apr-98 pp. 6-15, It is reproduced here with the permission of author Ad Konings and Aquatic promotions). A male Cyathopharynx foai at Sibwesa. Photo by Ad Konings. ...

A Xenotilapia of a different shape: Xenotilapia leptura (Boulenger, 1901)

Description Xenotilapia leptura were described by Boulenger in 1901 as Asprotilapia leptura, using specimens caught in Msambu on the southwestern coast in Tanzania. Takahashi transferred it to the genus Xenotilapia in 2003, together with the gener ...

Abstract of Publication

Abstract of Publication Smith, L.W. 2000. The reproductive biology of an open-water spawning Lake Malawi cichlid, Copadichromis chrysonotus. African Zoology 35 (2): 151-164.   Copadichromis chrysonotus is a zoopla ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Copadichromis - Lake Malawi Cichlids, Copadichromis Chrysonotus,

African Dwarf Cichlids, the Lake Tanganyikan Species: Part One

(This article was originally published in Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine, Jun 1982; pp. 6-11, 83-88. It is here reproduced with the permission of author Dr. Paul V. Loiselle). A male Julidochromis transcriptus of the souther ...

Altolamprologus calvus

by Marc Elieson

Categories : English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Altolamprologus Calvus

Altolamprologus compressiceps

by Marc Elieson

Categories : English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Altolamprologus Calvus

Altolamprologus Compressiceps  This article is about the largest Altolamprologus species A. Compressiceps. Most info in this article applies to A. Calvus also. This article will also discuss the more popular becomi ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Altolamprologus Calvus,

Aquarist's Guide to Neolamprologus brevis

English Spanish Neolamprologus brevis pair, female in the lower part, from Karilani, Tanzania. Photo by Ad Konings. (This article was originally published in Buntbarshe Bulletin, Bulletin of the American Cichlid ...

Categories : Ad Konings, English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Neolamprologus Brevis,

Astatotilapia aeneocolor

Astatotilapia aeneocolor Species Photo Species Information Table Species Astatotilapia aeneocolor, (Boulenger, 1973) Distribution ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Astatotilapia - Lake Victoria, Astatotilapia Aeneocolor,

Astatotilapia aeneocolor

Common name:  The aeneocolor from Lake Albert is referred to as "yellow belly". Location and Lake collected from:  Lake Edward, Lake Albert, and Kazinga Channel Approximate size:  3 - 3.5 inches Food:&a ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Astatotilapia - Lake Victoria, Astatotilapia Aeneocolor,

Astatotilapia aeneocolor (Greenwood, 1973)

Astatotilapia aeneocolor (Greenwood, 1973) Astatotilapia aeneocolor male in the aquarium of Greg Steeves, Canyon Lake,Texas, USA. Photo by Greg Steeves. Coordinator: Greg Steeves. Original Description: As Haploc ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Species of Astatotilapia - Lake Victoria, Astatotilapia Aeneocolor,

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