FAQs on Cichlid Compatibility

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Questions about 'inherited' tank ... Cichlid... beh., comp.  - 03/05/06
Good evening and I hope this finds you doing well!
I have spent the past several days reading various articles from your site in an attempt to learn more about the tank that I have and the fish
that are left in it, but still find myself with a few questions.  I will attempt to keep this as brief as possible, but would like to include some
background. I recently purchased a house that contained a 75 gallon in-wall fish tank and I was appalled at how disgusting the tank was.  The previous owner
had no idea what type of fish were in the tank, only had an under-gravel filter and stated that he had not cleaned the tank in almost 18 months!!
(I was surprised that the fish were still alive).  The tank was essentially nothing but funk; the coral was almost black, the air tubes
were half clogged with gunk, you could barely see the fish through the nasty water and it was smelling up the entire living room area!!
So I decided that one of my first tasks was to clean this tank out thoroughly and get better equipment.  I still had no idea what type of
fish were in the tank but at that time, I was only focused on getting the tank clean. (I should have thought about the fish but figured that they
were fairly tough since they were still alive in ...
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