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Other articles - African cichlids Articles;

FAQs on Cichlid Behavior

Questions about 'inherited' tank ... Cichlid... beh., comp.  - 03/05/06 Good evening and I hope this finds you doing well! I have spent the past several days reading various articles from your site in an attempt to learn more about th ...

FAQs on Cichlid Compatibility

Questions about 'inherited' tank ... Cichlid... beh., comp.  - 03/05/06 Good evening and I hope this finds you doing well! I have spent the past several days reading various articles from your site in an attempt to learn more about th ...

FAQs on Cichlid Disease 1

Hole in Severum hello please bear with me as I ask this question as I am new to this ok I have a 55 gallon tank with a Severum in it that looks like an Oscar I have a smaller version of him as well and two cat fish ones a shark like and the o ...

FAQs on Cichlid Foods/Feeding/Nutrition

Pike Cichlid Won't Eat 10/11/05 Hello, great site. I have a 55 gallon (soon to be a 110 gallon) with a tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey, golden pike, Pleco, and angelica cat. Each fish is about two inches except the Oscar wh ...

FAQs on Cichlid Selection

Colorful Dwarf Cichlids    3/2/06 What is the largest pair of cichlids (full grown in inches) that would live (at full size) comfortably in a 20 gallon long tank (cycled)? I would like a pretty colorful fish/pair for t ...

A sparkling jewel: Xenotilapia , melanogenys (Boulenger, 1898)

Description Xenotilapia melanogenys was until recently known under the name of Enantiopus melanogenys, but was moved to the genus Xenotilapia by Takahashi in 2003 - for more information on this topic please see Synopsis of Xenotilapia Boulenger, 1 ...

A Visit to the Central Tanzanian Coast of Lake Tanganyika

(This article was originally published in Cichlid News Magazine Apr-98 pp. 6-15, It is reproduced here with the permission of author Ad Konings and Aquatic promotions). A male Cyathopharynx foai at Sibwesa. Photo by Ad Konings. ...

A Visit to the Central Tanzanian Coast of Lake Tanganyika

(This article was originally published in Cichlid News Magazine Apr-98 pp. 6-15, It is reproduced here with the permission of author Ad Konings and Aquatic promotions). A male Cyathopharynx foai at Sibwesa. Photo by Ad Konings. ...

A Xenotilapia of a different shape: Xenotilapia leptura (Boulenger, 1901)

Description Xenotilapia leptura were described by Boulenger in 1901 as Asprotilapia leptura, using specimens caught in Msambu on the southwestern coast in Tanzania. Takahashi transferred it to the genus Xenotilapia in 2003, together with the gener ...

African Dwarf Cichlids, the Lake Tanganyikan Species: Part One

(This article was originally published in Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine, Jun 1982; pp. 6-11, 83-88. It is here reproduced with the permission of author Dr. Paul V. Loiselle). A male Julidochromis transcriptus of the souther ...

Astatotilapia brownae

Endemic to Lake Victoria, and formerly known as Haplochromis brownae, Astatotilapia brownae is an insectivore occurring in shallow waters along the sandy shores. It grows to 12 cm and is one of the few species from Lake Victoria available i ...

Categories : , Jeffrey Legitt, English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Other articles - African cichlids, Andrew Chau

Cichlid Fishes of Africa

Cyphotilapia frontosa (Boulenger 1906), the Humphead Cichlid. East Central Africa; Lake Tanganyika endemic. To thirteen inches in length. Conditions in the wild: pH 8, dH 8-12, temp. 24-26 C. A beauty that is too often mis-placed ...

FAQs on African Cichlid Behavior

Aggressive Neolamprologus brichardi   2/22/06 Thanks for all your help. I got 4 Brichardi a week ago. Two days ago we noticed three were ganging up on one and we looked closer and saw that the tail fin is partly gone (instead o ...

FAQs on African Cichlid Compatibility

Cichlids and Puffers    3/2/06 Hi crew, I just wanted to ask a quick question or three. 1) Are there any specie's of cichlid that are compatible with any species of puffers (freshwater)? If not what species should I go ...

FAQs on African Cichlid Diseases 1

Furunculosis on Maylandia estherae?*** Hello once again wet friends, No good news this time. One of my red zebras got sick and could only last one week. Attached are some photos showing her wound.

FAQs on African Cichlid Identification

Pink Jewelfish Cichlid  - 03/09/2006 Good Morning! I hate to send another email (I do not want to clog the inbox) but I am attempting to identify/confirm a fish that I recently purchased. I went to my local fish store the ot ...

FAQs on African Cichlid Reproduction

About Euthanasia, Culling Frontosa  - 03/13/2006 I have 7-Stripe Frontosas and when there are fry, they are not all perfect, I try only to sell the perfect 7-stripes, so I am stuck with the bad striped ones, I have a tank with just bad ...

FAQs on African Cichlid Systems 1

Dead Cichlid 11/6/05 I had a yellow lab cichlid. He was in a 5 gallon tank, that he quickly outgrew. So yesterday I bought him a new 10 gallon. I prepared the tank the same way I've prep ...

FAQs on Cichlid Reproduction

About Euthanasia, Culling Frontosa  - 03/13/2006 I have 7-Stripe Frontosas and when there are fry, they are not all perfect, I try only to sell the perfect 7-stripes, so I am stuck with the bad striped ones, I have a tank with just bad ...

FAQs on Cichlid Systems

Lots Of Cichlids In a Little Tank    1/19/06 I have a 30 gallon freshwater tank with 7 med- lrg cichlids in it. I  have one highly aggressive little lady convic ...

General FAQs on Cichlid Identification

Cichlid Coloration  9/26/05 I have a cichlid. I’ve been told he's an African and a Texas. Anyway, he appears very healthy; eats and plays well.  I ...

General FAQs on Cichlid Fishes

Pike Cichlid ID/Info  - 3/16/2006 My husband and I recently purchased a Crenicichla xingu 2 and we are having a hard time finding information on this particular species.  I have found 2 pictures online, both of which ...

Genyochromis mento - A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing?

This article was originally published in Cichlid News Magazine Jan-98 pp. 18-21, It is reproduced here with the permission of author Ad Konings and Aquatic promotions). An OB female Pseudotropheus elegans (left), a sand dwelling spec ...

Categories : , Ad Konings, English, Aquarium, CICHLIDS, AFRICAN, Elongatus (Likoma), Pseudotropheus elongatus, Other articles - African cichlids,

Home-made Rocks for the Mbuna Aquarium

I recently set up a new 125 gallon Malawi Mbuna tank for my family room. I wanted the aquascape to include a lot of rocks, but I also wanted it to look natural. I tried slate, river rock and even commercially sold holey rock. None of these ...

Introducing Pseudotropheus saulosi Konings 1990.

This article was originally published in "Cichlid News magazine" Aquatic promotions, Vol. 1. No. 3, July 1992; p. 11. It is here reproduced with the permission of author Ad Konings). During an expedition in May and June 1989, Walter ...

Lake Tanganyika Cichlids

by Andy Gordon of England, and Michelle Stuart of Ontario Canada With photographs and contributions by Tom Hammond Reprinted, with permission, from their web site Fishtanksandponds.net Aquarticles Lake Tanganyika is situat ...

Maylandia or Metriaclima, ...again!

Versión: English Spanish A male Metriaclima greshakei (suggested as type species of the subgenus Maylandia) at Makokola, Lake Malawi. Photo by Ad Konings. The problem still is whether we should use Me ...

Plants in the African Cichlid Aquarium: They're Not Just For Breakfast

I have seen a few people show surprise, shock, or just plain disbelief after I told them my African cichlid tanks have plants in them. Yes, real plants. And quite a few of them, too. Maybe they aren’t the green explosions some CA ...

Spawning Xenotilapia spiloptera, Poll &Stewart, 1975

(This article was originally published in "Cichlids Yearbook Volume 2, Cichid press; 1991; pp. 10-12. It is here reproduced with the permission of Ad Konings, Cichlid Press.). The genus Xenotilapia can be divided into two groups; one grou ...

Speciation, DNA and Thropheus

(This article was originally published in "Cichlids Yearbook Volume 3, Cichid press; 1993; pp. 24-27. It is here reproduced with the permission of Ad Konings, Cichlid Press). In August 1992 Sturmbauer & Meyer published an article in w ...

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