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Grant Gussie Articles;

Setting Up A Tank, for Dummies

Originally published in The Calquarium,Volume 40, Number 7. Aquarticles Your first tank arrives home, possibly with a bag of fish, possibly not. Possibly with a kit-type collection of assorted lights, heaters, and filters, possib ...

Book Review: Corydoras

This is a review of the new CAS library book Corydoras: The most popular armoured catfishes of South America, by Werner Seuβ (1993). This book was purchased for the CAS library with financing from a special auction of Corydoras catfishes donated ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Assorted Cory, Corydoras spp, Albino Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Bronze Cory see Green Cory, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Julii Cory, Corydoras julii, Paleatus Cory, Corydoras paleatus, Punctatus Cory, Corydorus punctatus, Skunk Cory, Corydoras arcuatus, Corydoras Burgessi, Corydoras Davidsandsi, Corydoras Elegans, Corydoras Melanistius, Corydoras Melanotaenia, Grant Gussie

Book Review: Dynamic Aquaria

This review is of the CAS library book Dynamic Aquaria: Building Living Ecosystems by Walter Adey and Karen Loveland. Copyright 1991. First of all, let me tell you straight out this article reads quite negatively. This is not because I think that Dy ...

Book Review: The Cichlid Aquarium

This article reviews the book, The Cichlid Aquarium, written by Dr. Paul Loiselle and published by the Tetra Press® (©1994). This book is in the CAS library, but is usually under great demand so if you want to read it you will probably have ...

Bool Review: Aquatic Systems Engineering: Devices and How They Function

This is a review of the new CAS library book, Aquatic Systems Engineering: Devices and How They Function, by P.R.Escobal. The author is an aeronautics engineer that left the field to form the companies Aquatronics and Filtronics, manufacturers of ...

Filters, For Dummies

Your tanks have too many fish in them. My tanks have too many fish in them. Everyone who keeps fish has tanks with too many fish in them. "But," you say, "I only have one inch of fish per gallon, like you told me to have". Very go ...

Fish Food, For Dummies

Fish need food. Otherwise they starve. Simple enough. But like you and me, fish also require that a necessary list of nutrients be in their food or they will slowly grow ill, and then will die. So how do you give your fish adequate nutrition? We ...

Fishes that are NOT for the Beginner

There are some fish that the beginning aquarist should avoid. Then there are still others are others that do quite well in a beginner’s tank. And there are even some fish that get along quite well in the "beginner tank". What is the ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Grant Gussie

Glossary of Advanced Terms

Our journal suffers from the on-going malaise of being chronically short of beginners’ articles. Hence the "for Dummies" series to try to balance the article list with some works for our new members. But even the "for Dummies&quo ...

Categories : Grant Gussie, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner,

Hitching A Ride: Continental Drift and Aquarium Fish

Ever wonder how the fish in your aquarium got into whatever South American stream, Asian river, or African lake that it came from? Probably not, but think about it now. For example, why are there lots of tetras from Africa and South America, and a ...

INTRODUCTION , Light: Part 1

INTRODUCTION In this series of articles, I would like to introduce the theoretical and practical aspects of light in the aquarium. How much do you need? Of what kind? From what source? But first, a more fundamental question. What is light? Actua ...

Categories : , Grant Gussie, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium,

Light: Part 2

REQUIRED LIGHT LEVELS A useful rule of thumb is that for a planted freshwater aquarium of one of the standard dimensions the minimum amount of lighting required is 0.5 watts of fluorescent tubes per every liter of tank capacity. Because of the lower ...

Categories : , Grant Gussie, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium,

Lighting of Planted Aquaria

Author’s Note: This article arises from work by Eric Olson, member of the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society, and founder of the web site "The Krib". It is a summary, analysis, and interpretation of data compiled by Eric and presented i ...

Categories : , Grant Gussie, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium, Aquarium Plants , Algeas,

Plants in the African Cichlid Aquarium: They're Not Just For Breakfast

I have seen a few people show surprise, shock, or just plain disbelief after I told them my African cichlid tanks have plants in them. Yes, real plants. And quite a few of them, too. Maybe they aren’t the green explosions some CA ...

Selecting Community Tank Fishes, For Dummies

Almost everybody who starts off in the fish-keeping hobby starts with a community tank. That is, an aquarium where more than one species of fish are kept. Even as an advanced hobbyist, if you have one aquarium in your living room, its a good bet that ...

Categories : , Grant Gussie, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner,

Setting Up A Tank, for Dummies

Your first tank arrives home, possibly with a bag of fish, possibly not. Possibly with a kit-type collection of assorted lights, heaters, and filters, possibly not. What are you going to do with it all? This article is intended to provide you with in ...

Categories : , Grant Gussie, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner,

Some Considerations Before Designing Your Own Fluidized Bed Filter

As aquarists, we are all aware of the need for biological filtration and most of us also understand the principles involved as well. Biological filtration is the term used for the consumption of fish waste by biological means, but as aquarists we usu ...

Tropical Fish in the Snow

Now that winter is back again, we once more have the opportunity to see one of the world’s truly unique vistas…tropical fish in a snow bound lake. Yes, just 1½ hours from Calgary is the only place in the world that tropical aquarium ...

Two Wrecks, Part 1: The Nord

This article is a little bit of a departure, as instead of dealing with things aquarist, its about things marinist. I know many of you harbor ambitions to observe exotic fish in the wild, as well as in your living room. So I thought I would write an ...

Two Wrecks, Part 3 (?): The Lake Illawarra

In Two Wrecks, parts 1 and 2, I wrote about two spectacular and fish-filled shipwrecks in Australia: the Nord and the Yongala. Both of these wrecks are regularly visited by commercial dive operations, and so all advanced divers could, if they so wish ...

Two Wrecks, Part II: The Yongala

Last month, I wrote about a memorable dive trip to the Nord, an intact shipwreck just off the south-east coast of Tasmania. But lets face it, not many people go to Tasmania. That’s a shame, of course, since it’s one of the world’s t ...

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