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Assorted Cory, Corydoras spp

Albino Cory, Corydoras aeneus

Bronze Cory see Green Cory

Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus

Julii Cory, Corydoras julii

Paleatus Cory, Corydoras paleatus

Punctatus Cory, Corydorus punctatus

Skunk Cory, Corydoras arcuatus

Corydoras Burgessi

Corydoras Davidsandsi

Corydoras Elegans

Corydoras Melanistius

Corydoras Melanotaenia

Corydoras Robineae


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A case of crossbreeding in Hypancistrus (L 136 x L 066)

Yann Fulliquet his is a little summary of what was observed during an acc ...

Breeding Corydoras Barbatus (Qouy & Gainard 1824)

phone call to me announced the arrival of Corydoras barbatus to the North East of England. ...

Breeding Corydoras davidsandsi, Black 1987

Allan James his species from the Aeneus Group is found in the middle ...

The Family Doradidae or "Talking Catfishes"

here are a number of catfish that belong to the family Doradidae. Quite often these fascinating catfish are referred to as "D ...


The Ariidae, Shark Catfish, or Sea Catfish family includes a single genus, Arius, and is found in brackish and salt water throughout the world.Estimates exceeding 120 species have been made. Shark Catfish, Colombian Shark Catfish [ P ...

Aspidoras maculosus

spidoras maculosus is a small member of the family Callichthyidae, the armored catfish. Along with Corydoras and Brochis ...

Be Careful What You Wish For

The phone call came late one night. "Pssst. Riverfront has some Aspidoras." "Really? How do they look? Are there lots? How much are they?" But the click of the caller hanging up was my only answer. Hot on the trail of my only l ...

Categories : Birgit McKinnon, English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Assorted Cory, Corydoras spp, Albino Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Bronze Cory see Green Cory, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Julii Cory, Corydoras julii, Paleatus Cory, Corydoras paleatus, Punctatus Cory, Corydorus punctatus, Skunk Cory, Corydoras arcuatus, Corydoras Burgessi, Corydoras Davidsandsi, Corydoras Elegans, Corydoras Melanistius, Corydoras Melanotaenia, Taxonomy,

Book Review: Corydoras

This is a review of the new CAS library book Corydoras: The most popular armoured catfishes of South America, by Werner Seuβ (1993). This book was purchased for the CAS library with financing from a special auction of Corydoras catfishes donated ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Assorted Cory, Corydoras spp, Albino Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Bronze Cory see Green Cory, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Julii Cory, Corydoras julii, Paleatus Cory, Corydoras paleatus, Punctatus Cory, Corydorus punctatus, Skunk Cory, Corydoras arcuatus, Corydoras Burgessi, Corydoras Davidsandsi, Corydoras Elegans, Corydoras Melanistius, Corydoras Melanotaenia, Grant Gussie

Breeding and Development of Brochis splendens (Castelnau, 1855)

Brian Walsh t all started some 5 years ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Brian Walsh

Breeding Corydoras burgessi, Axelrod 1987

Adrian Payne f the approximately 35 ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Corydoras Burgessi, Adrian Payne

Breeding Corydoras elegans (Steindachner 1877)

Allan James   his species is the type spec ...

Breeding Corydoras melanotaenia

Mark Bryson   irst described by Regan in 1912 Corydoras melanota ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Corydoras Melanotaenia, Mark Bryson

Breeding Corydoras panda

I originally purchased a trio of these distinctive corydoras, these turned out to be one male and two females. They were housed in a 18x12x12" tank with a sand substrate and a few plants. The tank was filtered by a small air-powered sponge f ...


CORYDORADINAE SUB-FAMILY The Corydoradinae sub-family consists of, among others, the genera Aspidoras, Brochis, and Corydoras.

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Assorted Cory, Corydoras spp, Albino Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Bronze Cory see Green Cory, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Julii Cory, Corydoras julii, Paleatus Cory, Corydoras paleatus, Punctatus Cory, Corydorus punctatus, Skunk Cory, Corydoras arcuatus, Corydoras Burgessi, Corydoras Davidsandsi, Corydoras Elegans, Corydoras Melanistius, Corydoras Melanotaenia,

Corydoras Aeneus – The Forgotten Cory?

How many hobbyists have started with a community tank? I would venture to say most, if not nearly all. I know I did. In that community tank we crammed fish with nothing in common from all over the world ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Michael Hellweg

Corydoras aeneus: A Very Common Catfish

We purchased a group of six very small skinny Corydoras aeneus last year from a local store. The looked like they hadn’t been fed in a very long time. Normally, I wouldn’t have purchased such fish, but since they were going to go into a 4 ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Jennifer Wilkinson

Corydoras burgessi

October 2002   C. burgessi resembles Corydoras adolfoi and Corydoras duplicareus in color scheme; noticeably possessing the bright ...

Categories : Eric Bodrock, English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Corydoras Burgessi,

Corydoras melanistius melanistius

Mark Bryson reeding Corydoras melanistius ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Corydoras Melanistius, Mark Bryson

Corydoras robineae

Corydoras robineae by Eric Bodrock Finformation, August 2001   “The ...

Categories : , Eric Bodrock, English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Corydoras Robineae,

Corydoras stenocephalus

Corydoras stenocephalus Eric Bodrock Finformation, January 2002   I ...

Categories : , Eric Bodrock, English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus,

Eenie Meenie Minie Moe

Catch a tiger by the toe, If he hollers let him go, Eenie Meenie Minie Moe. Now to choose a female. Eenie Meenie Minie Moe... While this method is somewhat less than scientific, it is the most commonly used procedure in acquiring a group of catfish i ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Assorted Cory, Corydoras spp, Albino Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Bronze Cory see Green Cory, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Julii Cory, Corydoras julii, Paleatus Cory, Corydoras paleatus, Punctatus Cory, Corydorus punctatus, Skunk Cory, Corydoras arcuatus, Corydoras Burgessi, Corydoras Davidsandsi, Corydoras Elegans, Corydoras Melanistius, Corydoras Melanotaenia, Birgit McKinnon

Malawi Mbuna Cichlids

Tank setup In general, a mixed mbuna community should not really be attempted in tanks less then 3ft / 1 metre long (about 25-30 gallons). This is due to the way in which these cichlids are normally kept in order to minimise specific aggre ...

Spawning Corydoras paleatus: Once Upon a Rainstorm

Once upon a rainstorm, in a 5.5-gallon tank, a spawning was about to begin. It all started about three months ago . . . The two catfish had met when they had been picked to work in the same ...

Starting with Corydoras

ver the years I have been asked many questions about keeping and breeding Corydoras Catfish, by people that would like to start ke ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Assorted Cory, Corydoras spp, Albino Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Bronze Cory see Green Cory, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Julii Cory, Corydoras julii, Paleatus Cory, Corydoras paleatus, Punctatus Cory, Corydorus punctatus, Skunk Cory, Corydoras arcuatus, Ian Fuller

Tank Busting Catfish Part One: The Debate Continues..

Chris Ralph ollowing on from my learned colleague and fellow catfish enthusiast Daphne Layley’ ...


colleague of mine who worked for the Environment Agency had a call from a member of the public who said that there was a large st ...

The Tadpole Madtom, Noturus gyrinus

Noturus is a genus in the family Ictaluridae. Ictalurids are found in North and Central America east of the Rockies from Canada to Guatemala. Noturus ...

Thoughts on a Catfish

here are so many living things - so many ways of living! And, some of them illustrate better than any textbook the long route that life took from molecule to mammal. ...

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