Albino Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus

Blue Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus

Bumblebee Catfish, Microglanis iheringi

Iridescent Shark, Pangasius sutchi

Pangasius Catfish see Iridescent Shark

Spotted Pictus, Pimelodus pictus

Spotted Raphael Catfish, Agamyxis pectinifrons

Striped Raphael Catfish, Platydoras costatus

Tandanus, Tandanus spp

Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus-Red Tailed Catfish

Hypancistrus Zebra


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A case of crossbreeding in Hypancistrus (L 136 x L 066)

Yann Fulliquet his is a little summary of what was observed during an acc ...

Extreme Catfish

by Garold W. Sneegas & Dean A. Hendrickson, Ph.D.

I taut I saw a taw a puddy tat

.Fish  ...

The Family Doradidae or "Talking Catfishes"

here are a number of catfish that belong to the family Doradidae. Quite often these fascinating catfish are referred to as "D ...


The Ariidae, Shark Catfish, or Sea Catfish family includes a single genus, Arius, and is found in brackish and salt water throughout the world.Estimates exceeding 120 species have been made. Shark Catfish, Colombian Shark Catfish [ P ...

Aspidoras maculosus

spidoras maculosus is a small member of the family Callichthyidae, the armored catfish. Along with Corydoras and Brochis ...

Banjo Catfish , Dysichthys coracoideus

Banjo Catfish [ Pictures ] Dysichthys coracoideus SYN : Bunocephalusbicolor, B. coracoideus PD :A flattened fish having a rounded head and a body decreasing in width after the pectoralfins. There is a pair of barbels extendi ...


CALLICHTHYIDAE FAMILY The Callichthyidae or Armored Catfish Family includes, among others, the genera Aspidoras, Brochis, Corydoras, Callichthys, Dianema, and Hoplosternum. They are found throughout central and South America. The fish of this family are generally peaceful, scavengers that can be combined (depending on the size of the species) with small fish to large South American Cichlids. Estimates exceeding 200 species have been made. This family is made up of two sub-families: Corydoradinae and Callichthyinae.

Catfish Study Group (UK) Convention, 2006

Sometimes, looking back at things, I wonder how I managed to do anything in my life. Always late, always in a hurry, always having a million and one excellent reasons why I can’t do what I want to. But this was not an occasion to be misse ...

Gymnotus carapo (Banded Knifefish)

Gymnotus carapo (Banded Knifefish)Class:Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Order:Gymnotiformes (electric knifefishes, glass knifefishes, ghost knifefishes, nakedback knifefishes, sand knifefishes) Family:Gymnotidae Scientific Name:Gymnotus carapo ...

Hypancistrus zebra Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1991

Hypancistrus  zebra  Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1991   Family:   Loricariidae (Armored catfishes), subfamily: Ancistrinae ...

Categories : , Gary Balbo, English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs,

Hypancistrus Zebra , (Zebra Pl*co, Imperial Pl*co, Emperor Peckoltia, L46)

if the internet has adopted a catfish, then it is this fish (Julian Dignall) Julian's right. There has been more written on the internet about this fish than any other single catfish species (click the Search button at the end of this page ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs, Julian Dignall

Hypancistrus zebra , Zebra Pleco, Imperial Pleco

Photos & Comments Photo Credit: Vicky Loures Name: Hypancistrus zebra Size pHGHTemp Origin: Brazil (Rio Xingu) 10 cm 6.7 8 25°C This little fish is astonishing, a true rare gem of natur ...

Categories : , Gary Balbo, English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs,

Hypancistrus Zebra Availability

Hypancistrus Zebra Availability 18/07/2004 Everyone seems to be talking about these fish and how difficult they are to obtain and the fact that the prices seem to be going up and up. There is no doubt that some ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs,

Hypancistrus zebra LO46

Hypancistrus zebra LO46, more commonly known as the zebra pleco, is from Rio Xingu in Brazil. In June 2001, I purchased 8 wild caught fish from an importer in California. There were 4 ma ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs, Gary Balbo

L 46 Hypancistrus zebra

Hypancistrus zebra comes from the Rio Xingu in Brazil. Before it was described in 1991 it was assigned the Datz L number L 46. I have never seen any solid info on the water chemistry of the Rio Xingu, but it is not that important as H. zebra ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs, Shane Linder

Loricariidae :: Hypancistrus zebra

Loricariidae :: Hypancistrus zebra Zoom in Adult female - zoom in Clo ...

Categories : , Gary Balbo, English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs,

Pangasius Catfish Iridescent Shark Catfish

Family: Pangasiidae Pangasius sutchi Photo: Exotic Tropicals    The Pangasius Catfish or Iridescent Shark Catfish are a beautiful fish to watch as they are very graceful and elegant swimmer ...

Red Tailed Catfish

Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus  Quick Stats Scientific Name: Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus, Phractocephalus Bicolour, Silurus Hemioliopterus Distribution: South America - Amazon and Orinoco River basins Size: Up to 5 feet Commo ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus-Red Tailed Catfish,

Tank Busting Catfish Part One: The Debate Continues..

Chris Ralph ollowing on from my learned colleague and fellow catfish enthusiast Daphne Layley’ ...


colleague of mine who worked for the Environment Agency had a call from a member of the public who said that there was a large st ...

The Tadpole Madtom, Noturus gyrinus

Noturus is a genus in the family Ictaluridae. Ictalurids are found in North and Central America east of the Rockies from Canada to Guatemala. Noturus ...

Thoughts on a Catfish

here are so many living things - so many ways of living! And, some of them illustrate better than any textbook the long route that life took from molecule to mammal. ...

Using Mendel's Laws in our Tanks

My initial intention was to keep this article as simple as possible but, as I was working on it, it became evident that even simplicity has some limits which, if ignored, will lead to misunderstanding.  Thus, I decided to add some defi ...

Wood Catfish , Trachycorystes insignis

CATFISH AUCHENIPTERIDAE FAMILY The Auchenipteridae or Driftwood catfish family includes about 65 species distributed throughoutSouth America.Driftwood catfish are usually nocturnal, although some may be diurnal at some point. Themost commonly imported genera are Auchenipterichthys and Trachycorystes.

Zebra Pleco

Name: Hypancistrus zebra Size pHGHTemp Origin: Brazil (Rio Xingu) 10 cm 6.7 8 25°C This little fish is astonishing, a true rare gem of nature. I have a Zebra Pleco in my 200 L planted tank, who shares the bottom with a Ti ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs,

Zebra Pleco

Hypancistrus Zebra  Quick Stats Scientific Name: Hypancistrus Zebra Distribution: Brazil - Rio Xingu Size: 3 to 4" Common Names: Zebra Plecostomus, Imperial Plecostomus, L046, L098, L173 Temperature: 76 to 80 degrees pH ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra,

Zebra pleco, L046

Common name(s)Zebra pleco, L046, L098, L173, Imperial pleco Photos taken at Wharf Aquatics© Sean Evans Scientific nameHypancistrus zebra Synonyms Size3.5" (8.5cm) OriginBrazil, Rio Xingu Tank setupDark rock or bogwood for refu ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs,

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