Aspidoras maculosus is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

spidoras maculosus is a small member of the family Callichthyidae, the armored catfish. Along with Corydoras and Brochis it is further a member of the subfamily Corydoridinae (Burgess, p38). Thus, to most of us, members of the genus Aspidoras are like small Cory catfish. Indeed, the features which separate Aspidoras from Corydoras are, to the layman, too small to distinguish. Nevertheless, we can make some generalizations about this group that serve to separate them.

Those that I have seen are small, 2 to 2 1/2 inches in length (5 - 6 cm). They have relatively small eyes when compared to Corydoras.

They tend to be fairly slender, and the males and females can be hard to distinguish. Most are covered with black or grey blotches on a whitish background. In fact, they look a lot like male Corydoras paleatus (the Peppered Catfish).

The females tend to get a little more plump, but this is not as obvious as ...
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