Hypancistrus Zebra Availability

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Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Hypancistrus Zebra, catfishs,
Hypancistrus Zebra Availability 18/07/2004 Everyone seems to be talking about these fish and how difficult they are to obtain and the fact that the prices seem to be going up and up. There is no doubt that some shops have had difficulty in obtaining fish for a variety of reasons, but supply is improving and five of the participating shops currently have some available.

At Tropicalfishfinder we feel that anyone buying these fish should do so with a view to breeding them and helping to increase supply so that we do not place undue pressure on wild stocks. We are aware of several people that have had good success with breeding these fish on multiple occassions so don't lose heart if you are trying, it can and is being done. We hope to publish a full article by one of these breeders soon detailing the conditions they used to get success.

In the meantime if you are about to buy some why not use one of the participating shops , two of which, Weymouth Tropicals and Wholesale Tropicals offer a full mail order service. We do not usually publish prices, but we are aware that Wholesale are selling them for £85 each and if you are a TFF Card holder the price is £74.38.

The other shops with these fish in stock are:-

Leytonstone Aquatics
Weymouth Tropicals
Wholesale Tropicals
Shotgate Aquatics ...
Continue to read all article at : http://www.tropicalfishfinder.co.uk/news_article.asp?id=148

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