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Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, MISCELLANEOUS, Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus-Red Tailed Catfish,
Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus
 Quick Stats

Scientific Name: Phractocephalus Hemioliopterus, Phractocephalus Bicolour, Silurus Hemioliopterus

Distribution: South America - Amazon and Orinoco River basins

Size: Up to 5 feet

Common Names: Red Tailed Catfish

Temperature: 70 to 80 degrees

pH: 6 to 7
photo courtesy of Joanne Merriam
General Characteristics

A true monster of the catfish world, the Red Tailed Catfish is the largest of the catfish available in the hobby. Many people believe that offering this fish for sale in pet shops should be banned, due its enormous size once full grown and its predatory nature. This is something that I have to agree with, despite my own passion to one day own one of these beauties. With a dark, speckled upper body, white throat and dark fins, and its trademark red tail, these catfish are dramatic enough to appeal to almost anyone. Sadly, very few people realise the size that a Red Tail will achieve and the effort required in providing one of these monsters with adequate housing and feeding for the duration of its life. Local aquariums often become dumping grounds for unwanted Red Tails, but their generosity can only stretch so far. I would ask anyone reading this profile and considering purchasing a Red Tailed Catfish to please be sure that you are ready and willing to house this fish in a suitable tank and provide it with proper care and feeding ...

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