Pangasius Catfish Iridescent Shark Catfish is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Family: Pangasiidae
Pangasius sutchi Photo: Exotic Tropicals    The Pangasius Catfish or Iridescent Shark Catfish are a beautiful fish to watch as they are very graceful and elegant swimmers!

   They do need a lot of room to swim and is a catfish for a large aquarium, they do get very big! Pangasius Catfish or Iridescent Shark Catfish are best kept in a group or school in a large aquarium. They don't thrive as well if kept singly when small.

   The Pangasius Catfish or Iridescent Shark Catfish does not possess the bottom dwelling habit we usually identify with most catfishes, but rather occupies the middle of the aquarium. They are constantly on the move and will occasionally go to the surface for air. These fish are also diurnal, meaning they are active during the day and enjoy a well lighted aquarium.    Be cautious! The Pangasius Catfish or Iridescent Shark Catfish have bad eyesight and they are a nervous fish that can be easily spooked!

   Don't tap on the glass or startle the fish as it is likely to injure itself in its' mindless flight. They can get hysterical when frightened and dash madly around the aquarium. They will often bash into the sides of the aquar ...

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