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Categories : English, Aquarium, CORY CATFISH, Assorted Cory, Corydoras spp, Albino Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Bronze Cory see Green Cory, Green or Bronze Cory, Corydoras aeneus, Julii Cory, Corydoras julii, Paleatus Cory, Corydoras paleatus, Punctatus Cory, Corydorus punctatus, Skunk Cory, Corydoras arcuatus, Ian Fuller

ver the years I have been asked many questions about keeping and breeding Corydoras Catfish, by people that would like to start keeping them and others that have them but would like to try and breed them. The ten most popular questions I have listed below. The answers I have given to these questions are based on the many years of experience I have gained with keeping and breeding these wonderful little fishes, and are meant as a guide rather than the rule.

1. How big do they get? 2. How should I set up a tank for them? 3. How many can I put in my tank? 4. What species are best to start with and how expensive are they? 5. Where are the best places to get them from? 6. What should I look for when buying? 7. What do they eat? 8. How can I sex them? 9. Can I breed them? 10. How many species are there? ...
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