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Technical Articles;

"Chemical" filtration.

"Chemical" filtration. So: mechanical filtration filters particulates. Now, in chemical filtration, substances that are dissolved in the water, whether as molecule ...

5 Pros & 5 Cons of Undergravel Filtration

I was blessed to have James Lawrence of Microcosm Publishing as my editor/mentor while penning “The Conscientious Marine Aquarist” in the mid-nineties, though we did have some decidedly contrary opinions re gear selection… par ...

A Freshwater "Plenum."

A Freshwater "Plenum." In an undisturbed planted aquarium there are some advantages to keeping nutrients confined to the substrate and out of the ...


Aeration Fish extract dissolved oxygen from the water and exhale carbon dioxide, creating a shortage of the former and an excess of the latter. Aeration is the process of returning these two dissolved gases to their normal proportions. Cir ...

Aeration Backup

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket Modern power filters and canister filters are remarkable inventions: for a few pennies worth of electricity, they filter, circulate and even aerate our aquariums. Properly sized and maintained, they can handl ...

Categories : , James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Aquarium Management, Technical,

Air Pump İmpressions

By Steven Pro Air pumps are not utilized as often as they once were. Back in the days before safe submersible water pumps were the norm, all hobbyists had to operate the undergravel, box, sponge, and assorted other filters for their aq ...

Aquarium Heaters

Every year when the weather turns cooler, we begin to receive calls from customers who have sudden outbreaks of �ich� or other disease, or lose fish for no apparent reason. Often, we find these problems to be caused by temperature ...

Aquarium Lighting Information

ne important aspect of keeping tropical fish is aquarium lighting. This is an often overlooked area that can sometimes be confusing to a beginner. The confusion may come from the many available types of light that you can use for your tank. The ma ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Aquarium Management, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium,

Aquarium Lighting Is Important For The Health Of Your Tank

Getting the proper amounts and types of lighting in your fish tank is vital to the health of your fish and plants. Even though your fish are in an aquarium inside your home, they still need to experience light as they would in nature so you want to ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Aquarium Management, Fish Health, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium, Lee Dobbins

Canister Filter Impressions

By Steven Pro A lush freshwater planted tank filtered exclusively with a Fluval Canister filter. Canister filters are an often maligned piece of equipment in marine keepi ...

Clean (Mechanical) Filters Regularly

Aquarium filters are marvelous devices, saving aquarists a lot of work as they collect waste products for easier removal. But that "removal" remains the hobbyist's job, and one that should not be taken lightly. Nearly all filters, eve ...

Electrical Safety and Aquariums

Safety around the aquarium, electrical safety in particular, is a subject all aquarists should be concerned about. The possible fatal consequences of the combination of water and faulty electrical equipment is something we all should bear in mind. ...

Categories : Aquarium, Aquarium Management, Technical, English, Mike Owen

Electricity Use and Aquariums

Electricity  Remember back to a time when you were part of a black-out or just a brown-out experience, or visited a foreign country where your electrical plugs didn't match their bizarre looking outlets? When the "juice" is out ...

Establishing Biological Cycling in Freshwater Systems

Even in these times of high technology and enough gear to fill a fish-room, we are still reliant on humble microbes to help us keep our aquariums healthy and clean. A simple, yet absolutely essential process in putting up a new aquatic system is t ...

FAQs on Freshwater Aquarium Filtration 2

Freshwater Refugium - 2/28/2006 Hello WWM Crew,      I was curious to see if you could guide me in the  right direction as far as setting up a freshwater refugium. &nbs ...

Fast Flow Canister Filters

Represented by the Magnum® and Lifegard® lines, fast flow canister filters are designed to cause a substantial current in the aquarium, and catch a fair amount of solid waste before it settles to the tank bottom. Advantages. By defi ...

Filter Carbon

What does filter carbon do? Carbon has the ability to "catch" certain chemicals that occur in water (or air, for that matter) by "adsorption". In aquariums, carbon's chief role is to tie up the chemicals that cause discolorati ...


Filtration can be considered as three major types: mechanical, biological and adsorptive/chemical. Mechanical filtration is necessary to remove particles from the water to keep the water sparkling clear and to maximise the efficiency of subsequent ...

Filtration techno.

Another huge subject. What I have here are more in the nature of some modest scattered footnotes. You might begin your techno education at once again and trace out the links you ...

Freshwater Filtration

FW Aquarium Filtration, Principles, Techniques & Tips: A necessary element of all aquariums is filtration. Without purposeful filtering, aquariums would become "little cesspools" in time. This was not always the case. Many year ...

Freshwater Undergravel Filtration, Tried and True

Of all the gear for aquarium keeping, arguably the lowly undergravel filter is most maligned and underappreciated. Though many pet-fish authors scoff at this "old-timey" technology, indeed making reference to scooting wastes under the ...

Getting Answers To Problems

I run a small basic website, and receive a great deal of mail each month from people with fish problems, and many are at the stage of packing the whole thing in due to their constant fish losses, or because everything they do just seems to ...

Heater Impressions

By Steven Pro Most aquarium fish encountered at the local fish store are tropical in origin (Don’t get the term "tropical" confused with "marine".  "Tropical" refers to the temperature of the water ...

Heating Freshwater Aquariums

Heat and Heating: (pix: heaters, tanks with heaters, centralized systems, sumps, heat exchangers…) Freshwater bodies, though being smaller than the world’s seas, are more subject to change in temperature on the basis of their volum ...

How Long Do You Wait Before Adding Fish?- and other tips

Opinions vary so much on this subject that it is hard to give a reasonable answer. The Americans for instance have what is known as "cycling", which is the period of time a tank has to remain empty of fish until the good bacteria ...

Categories : by Bill "Pegasus NZ", by Bill "Pegasus NZ", English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium Management, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium, Filters - Aquarium, power cuts,

How Much Electricity?

Once they see the assortment of aquarium accessories that are plugged into the wall, many hobbyists wonder just how much their tank is costing them in electricity each month. Here's the basic formula: Monthly Cost = (wattage) x (charge/kwh) x ( ...

How Much Gravel?

To quickly estimate the amount of freshwater gravel required for an aquarium, simply multiple the aquarium's length (in inches) by it's width (in inches), then divide by ten (whacking off the last digit will suffice). The resulting number is the num ...

How to Choose a Pond Pump

Pond pumps are the very heart of any fish pond. All water gardens can be enhanced by the addition of water fountains, waterfalls, and other moving-water features. The pond pump is your best friend if you're planing to create water effects ...

INTRODUCTION , Light: Part 1

INTRODUCTION In this series of articles, I would like to introduce the theoretical and practical aspects of light in the aquarium. How much do you need? Of what kind? From what source? But first, a more fundamental question. What is light? Actua ...

Categories : , Grant Gussie, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium,

Light: Part 2

REQUIRED LIGHT LEVELS A useful rule of thumb is that for a planted freshwater aquarium of one of the standard dimensions the minimum amount of lighting required is 0.5 watts of fluorescent tubes per every liter of tank capacity. Because of the lower ...

Categories : , Grant Gussie, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Lighting - Aquarium, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium,

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