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Aquarium Filters Articles;

5 Pros & 5 Cons of Undergravel Filtration

I was blessed to have James Lawrence of Microcosm Publishing as my editor/mentor while penning “The Conscientious Marine Aquarist” in the mid-nineties, though we did have some decidedly contrary opinions re gear selection… par ...


Aeration Fish extract dissolved oxygen from the water and exhale carbon dioxide, creating a shortage of the former and an excess of the latter. Aeration is the process of returning these two dissolved gases to their normal proportions. Cir ...

Canister Filter Impressions

By Steven Pro A lush freshwater planted tank filtered exclusively with a Fluval Canister filter. Canister filters are an often maligned piece of equipment in marine keepi ...

Clean (Mechanical) Filters Regularly

Aquarium filters are marvelous devices, saving aquarists a lot of work as they collect waste products for easier removal. But that "removal" remains the hobbyist's job, and one that should not be taken lightly. Nearly all filters, eve ...

Emperor 400 - Power Filter Tricks

This is a more challenging power filter to properly optimize. But, with a 400 gallon per hour flow rate, two very large bio-wheels, and a pair of customizable media trays, the potential modified performance boost to this filter, is definitely well ...

Categories : , William McReynolds, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium Filters,

Establishing Biological Cycling in Freshwater Systems

Even in these times of high technology and enough gear to fill a fish-room, we are still reliant on humble microbes to help us keep our aquariums healthy and clean. A simple, yet absolutely essential process in putting up a new aquatic system is t ...

FAQs on Freshwater Aquarium Filtration 2

Freshwater Refugium - 2/28/2006 Hello WWM Crew,      I was curious to see if you could guide me in the  right direction as far as setting up a freshwater refugium. &nbs ...

Fast Flow Canister Filters

Represented by the Magnum® and Lifegard® lines, fast flow canister filters are designed to cause a substantial current in the aquarium, and catch a fair amount of solid waste before it settles to the tank bottom. Advantages. By defi ...

Filter Carbon

What does filter carbon do? Carbon has the ability to "catch" certain chemicals that occur in water (or air, for that matter) by "adsorption". In aquariums, carbon's chief role is to tie up the chemicals that cause discolorati ...


Filtration can be considered as three major types: mechanical, biological and adsorptive/chemical. Mechanical filtration is necessary to remove particles from the water to keep the water sparkling clear and to maximise the efficiency of subsequent ...

Freshwater Filtration

FW Aquarium Filtration, Principles, Techniques & Tips: A necessary element of all aquariums is filtration. Without purposeful filtering, aquariums would become "little cesspools" in time. This was not always the case. Many year ...

Freshwater Substrates

Aquarium substrates or gravel fulfills a few functions for us as aquarists. Gravel/sand provides living space for beneficial microbes, perhaps alkaline reserve and other chemicals for a system. There may be behavioral benefits for your livestock, ...

Freshwater Undergravel Filtration, Tried and True

Of all the gear for aquarium keeping, arguably the lowly undergravel filter is most maligned and underappreciated. Though many pet-fish authors scoff at this "old-timey" technology, indeed making reference to scooting wastes under the ...

How Much Gravel?

To quickly estimate the amount of freshwater gravel required for an aquarium, simply multiple the aquarium's length (in inches) by it's width (in inches), then divide by ten (whacking off the last digit will suffice). The resulting number is the num ...

How To Clean Pool Filter Sand

Okay, everyone always wants to know how to use sand properely. Myself having need to add more sand and a digital camera handy, I decided to shoot a few pics to help everyone out. First off, I purchased two 50-lb. bags at $5.92 each from Home D ...

Make your own sponge filter

It's very easy to make your own sponge filter. The small filter sponges that comes with most filters are not large enough for big tanks so it's advisable to make your own. This is not a very good looking filter but it ...

Making your own Nitrate filter

Making your own Nitrate filter by Martin Kelly To make a nitrate remover you will need the following: 1) Some nitrate removing resin 2) A container to hold the resin. 3) Two plastic hose nozzles 4) An old power head or pump. You can ...

Nitrates in Freshwater Aquarium Systems

"Oh no! I've got "high" nitrates! What to do?"... First and foremost, understanding what nitrates are, their sources, alleviation and relative placement in a/the grand scheme of "water quality" is absolutely necessary ...

Power Filters

By Steven Pro Power filters have been a staple of aquarium keeping for quite a while now, and the various manufacturers are constantly updating and refining their designs to incorporate the latest trends and technologies.  Mos ...

Removing an Undergravel Filter

Removing most types of aquarium filters is not a big deal: just disconnect a hang-on or canister or pull out a box filter and most of it's collection of waste comes out with it. Undergravel filters - especially those that have not been well mainta ...

Slow Flow Canister Filters

Represented by the Eheim® and Fluval® lines, slow flow canister filters provide a reduced, gentler flow of water than their fast flow cousins, and hence do not collect solid waste as effectively. Advantages. Since they allow solid was ...

The Undergravel Filter Controversy

Some of our customers have expressed concern over our refusal to recommend undergravel filters for use in either freshwater or saltwater aquariums. We realize that many other stores and some books currently promote undergravel filters to the ex ...

The Via-Aqua 650, Review of a Canister Filter

Sleek, stylish, powerful, sexy, no it is not the 1998 Ford Contour SVT; it is the Via-Aqua 650 Canister filter. I have been in this hobby for probably around 10years now and through my trials and tribulations I have found that it can be hard to ...

Undergravel Filters Revisited

In the dozen or so years since we first published The Undergravel Filter Controversy, we have received a considerable amount of feedback from our customers and via the Internet. Most were supportive, and some raised a few issues not fully covered in ...

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