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power cuts Articles;

Air Pump İmpressions

By Steven Pro Air pumps are not utilized as often as they once were. Back in the days before safe submersible water pumps were the norm, all hobbyists had to operate the undergravel, box, sponge, and assorted other filters for their aq ...

How Long Do You Wait Before Adding Fish?- and other tips

Opinions vary so much on this subject that it is hard to give a reasonable answer. The Americans for instance have what is known as "cycling", which is the period of time a tank has to remain empty of fish until the good bacteria ...

Categories : by Bill "Pegasus NZ", by Bill "Pegasus NZ", English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium Management, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium, Filters - Aquarium, power cuts,

When the Lights Go Out!!

What do rain, snow, heat, bureaucratic incompetence and Y2K all have in common? They can all cause - or at least be blamed for - a power outage. Having the power go out for a few hours is a nuisance for all of us, but for an aquarium full of fi ...

Categories : James M. Kostich, English, Aquarium, Aquarium Setup, Aquarium - Beginner, Aquarium Management, Technical, Lighting - Aquarium, Filters - Aquarium, power cuts,

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