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The Tropheus species from Lake Tanganyika is almost mythical among cichlid keepers. They are fragile, aggressive, expensive, need a special diet and easily get sick and die on you. The female holds her fry for an exceptionally long time and since the eggs are the largest among the mouth brooders each spawn is also among the smallest. Personally I believe that you shouldn’t let your self get scared off by all these rumours. If you just plan everything well you will be able to keep this species just as well as the other African cichlids.
Tropheus moorii "Mpulungu" It is a beautiful fish and it is found in an amazingly large amount of varitys all over the lake. It is also a fish that gives great entertainment value. Personally I can sit for hours watching my Tropheus trying to figure out all the little social intrigues that goes on in the tank. Tropheus showed up in the fish-keeping hobby for the first time in Germany in the mid seventies and very soon after that also in the US. But let's go back in time to when people first got in contact with this extraordinary fish. Tropheus live along rocky beaches all over Lake Tanganyika in east Africa where it is endemic. Most of the variants prefer a depth of 0,5-1 meter so we ...
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