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South & Central America Articles;


Olga spent a holiday on the Rio Negro, Brazil, with a group of like-minded people interested in aquatic plants rather than fish. Illustrated.

A Visit to the National Aquarium of Cuba , Acuario Nacional de Cuba

The Acuario Nacional de Cuba displays fish and corals from the tropical Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Its dolphin and sea lion shows are popular with the local people. Lots of photos.

Collecting Cichlids in the Peruvian Amazon

A collecting trip to Rio Ucayali and Rio Momon, near Iquitos. Notes on equipment used, collecting techniques, keeping and transporting the fish, and how the fish fared in their new aquarium homes.

Collecting Fish in the Brazilian Amazon

Vinny fantasized for years about going to the Amazon, and finally made the trip. He and his group caught a large variety of fish and had some memorable experiences, which are recounted in detail here.

Getting Wet Feet in Peru , A Tropical Fish Collecting Trip

An account of a fish collecting expedition to the Peruvian Amazon, arranged by a tour operator, Margarita Tours of Fort Lauderdale.

Peruvian Amazonia

A very detailed day by day account of a week's collecting trip to the Iquitos area. by Eugene T. Aldridge, Jr.

Product Field Tests

On a collecting trip to Mexico some new equipment was tried out: a new brand of fish trap, different pole nets, "Bag Buddies," and "Clout."

Survivor III: Mexico

Craig joined up with a large group of aquarists and visited a variety of rivers in Mexico. Many different species of fish were caught, and nobody was "voted off the island."

The Drive for Fish , (Another Central American Collecting Trip)

Pat and two friends drove all the way from St. Louis through Mexico to Honduras and Guatemala, stopping to collect fish at various places on the way. An easy-to-read and very descriptive travel memoir.

The Honduran Episode

Pat had some difficulties and some triumphs, and considers his trip "the best time I ever had in the aquarium hobby."

Venezuela Fish Collecting Diary

A detailed account of part of a collecting trip to Venezuela, and the fish found there.

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