Family Ampullariidae Lanistes is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

The snails of this genus have sinistral shells,but their bodies are dextral. The shells are globose to ovoid or discoidal.

Lanistes alexandri(Bourguignat) Shell about 20 mm.From Tanzania

Lanistes bicarinatus(Germain) Shell about 40 mm,globose,chestnut with darker spiral bands. In Zaire.

Lanistes carinatus(Olivier,1804) Shell about 40 mm,subglobose to ovate,brownish with dark brown spiral bands. In Egypt to Sudan,Ethiopia and Somalia to Kenya and Uganda.

Lanistes ciliatus(v.Martens,1878) Shell about 32 mm,the umbilicus is large. In Kenya.

Lanistes congicus(Boettger,1891) Shell about 40 mm,globose with a low spire,light brownish with darker spiral bands. In the Congo,Angola and Zaire.

Lanistes ellipticus(v.Martens,1866) Shell about 50 mm,umbilicus wide,brownish green. In clear,flowing water from Zaire to Southeastern Africa.

Lanistes farleri(Craven,1880) Shell about 32 mm,spire high,with spiral ridges.Brownish with darker spiral bands. In Tanzania.

Lanistes graueri(Thiele,1911) Shell about 24 mm with an elevated spire.Chestnut brown with darker spiral bands. In Zaire.

Lanistes intortus(v.Martens,1877) Shell about 30 mm,globose,light brownish with small darker spiral bands,which form multiple broader spiral bands. This species lives in brackish water.

Lanistes libycus(Morelet,1848) Shell about 45-55 mm,globose,yellowish brown with darker spiral bands. In small forest streams from Gabon and the Ivory Coast to the nort ...

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