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Physa Acuta

The tadpole snail is the most interesting snail in my tank, behaviorally. It's the most annoying too: they breed like crazy, they're always running around messing things up, and they're not very pretty. Not like the ramshorns at least. The following is a list of some of the crazy things I've seen these snails do: Floating:
floating On a regular basis, these snails intentionally float to the surface, trap an air bubble under their shell, and then float back down, headfirst. It doesn't sound quite so impressive when described, but it's fascinating to watch. They never climb up the side of the tank to do this, they always float. Even when they run into plants on the way up, they climb over them and continue their floating ascent. They seem to have great mastery and control over these actions. It's almost like they can swim. Occasionally they won't be paying attention and their air bubble will escape. Surprised, they'll plummet to the bottom of the tank. Quite often I'll catch them using the larger ramshorn snails as a launching pad.

Tower of Sex:
normal sex I've seen these crazy bastards in towers 3 or 4 high, all having sex with each other. That is, the one on top's fertilizing the one below him, who is in turn fertilizing the one that's below HIM, who is again fertilizing the one below HIM, etc. It's quite an impressive feat.

These guy ...

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