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Snail Species The most common variety of "pest" snail is the Ramshorn snail. Apple snails (Ampullaria sp), which can grow to the size of a small grapefruit, are often purposely introduced as part of the aquarium display, whilst Trumpet snails, with their characteristic "cornet" shaped shell, burrow through the gravel turning it over, introducing oxygen and preventing wastes from clogging it. Unlike their more common relatives the Ramshorn snail and Pond snail, the Trumpet snail does not harm plants and is often welcomed by the fish keeper as a sign of a healthy aquarium. The exception to this is the Wandering Snail (lymeaea ovata peregrai) which produces a poisonous substance that can cause convulsions in fish.

How do they get there? Snails are usually accidentally introduced into aquariums when new plants are added; their jelly-like eggs are attached to the leaves of the aquatic plants.

Prevention Snails can be prevented from entering the tank on plants by bathing the plants in Potassium permanganate (available from pharmacists, use just enough crytals to turn the water pale pink), or a commercial snail killer for a few hours, although once introduced, snails can be removed from the aquarium by a number of means. Note: Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizer, and can cause burns to any area of contact. It is harmful if swallowed or inhaled.

Why do they stay? Snails thrive in an aquarium env ...

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