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Culturing Microworm:

1: First you will need a small - medium (about 500ml) plastic pot with tight fitting lid such as a margarine tub or Tupperware. Make a few small holes in the lid for ventilation.

2: Mix oats with boiling water into a thick consistency, if too wet the cultures will smell.

3: Fill the tubs to about 2cm with the oats and allow to cool.

4: Once cool add the contents of your starter culture and close the lid firmly.

5: Store the culture in a dark area at a temperature of 15-20°C.

6: The oats must be kept permanently moist, as if allowed to dry up the culture will die off. You may need to spray the culture occasionally to keep it moist.

7: After a few days you will notice the Microworm climbing the walls of the containers to use them simply scrape them off the edge of the container and swill into the tank. It is important to make sure you do not pick up any of the oats when collecting the worms as this will pollute the tank.

8: As your culture starts to turn brown you will need to start a new culture and then once that culture kicks off dispose of the original. It is a good idea to have a number of cultures running at anyone time, and rotate their use as to avoid exhausting your cultures. ...

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