Culturing White worm is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

White worm are small 1cm worms ideal for feeding to small amphibians such as Dendrobates, Bombina, and larvae. They are high in fat and can live for up to 2 days submerged in water, this makes them ideal for feeding to small aquatic species such as Hymenochirus and Triturus.

 Culturing White worm:

1: First you will need a number of medium - large plastic pots with tight fitting lids such as margarine tubs or Tupperware.

2: Fill the tubs to about 10cm with a substrate of peat moss, and / or soil. This must be kept permanently moist, as if allowed to dry up the culture will die off.

3: On top of the substrate lay a sheet of damp paper towel this will act as a barrier between the food and the substrate making it easier to both remove the food and collect the White worm.

4: Soak a small amount of white bread in water and place several small clumps on top of the paper towel. The bread over time will begin to grow moulds and fungi at this point remove the food and replace with fresh.

5: Seed the container with White worm from your starter culture and close the lid firmly.

6: Store the culture in a dark area at a temperature of 5 - 15°C.

7: It is a good idea to have a number of cultures running at anyone time, and rotate their use as to avoid exhausting your cultures.

8: To use your White worm just pick them off the top of paper towel from around the bre ...

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