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Common Pill Woodlouce (Armadillidium vulgare): Large (2cm) grey temperate species. Hatchling lice are an ideal food for small or juvenile Newts and Toads.

Common Striped Woodlouce (Philoscia muscorum): Medium sized (11mm) light grey temperate species with a distinct dark line down its back. Loved by many Salamanders and Toads.

Common Shiny Woodlouce (Oniscus asellus): Large (16mm) light grey species with small white blotches and a shiny appearance. Suitable for use as a food for species that require a higher humidity.

Common Rough Woodlouce (Porcello scaber.): Small grey-brown temperate species with white spots and 2 distinct tails. Again loved by many Salamanders and Toads.

Dwarf Tropical Woodlouce (Trichorhina tomentosa): Small white Central American Species (8mm). These are a nice soft-bodied louce loved by many tropical species of Salamander and Toad. Common Rough Woodlouce (Porcellio scaber) Dwarf Tropical Woodlouce (Trichorhina tomentosa) Common Striped Woodlouce (Philoscia muscorum) Common Shiny Woodlouce (Oniscus asellus)

Culturing Woodlice:

1: First you will need a medium sized plastic pot with a tight fitting lid such as a margarine tub or Tupperware.

2: Fill the tub to about 1/3 with a substrate of ...

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