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Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, SYNODONTIS, David Marshall
David Marshall
ust over two years ago, while looking through the stock tanks at Frisby Aquatics in Hull, I came across a tiny Synodontis offered for sale under the 'species' tag. At first glance the resemblance of bodily features and colour pattern to those of Synodontis schoutedeni indicated that here we had a colour variant of this well known Congo species. Going back for a second look convinced me that the dorsal pattern was a little different so as a 'Synodontis nut' I made the purchase in the hope that I would have what would be, to me, a 'new species' to study?

Upon arriving home I placed the little beauty into a 36x12x12" aquarium in the company of Jade-eyed cichlids, Plecostomus, Anabas and various Doradids ...

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