Banjo Catfish , Dysichthys coracoideus is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Banjo Catfish [ Pictures ]
Dysichthys coracoideus
SYN : Bunocephalusbicolor, B. coracoideus
PD :A flattened fish having a rounded head and a body decreasing in width after the pectoralfins. There is a pair of barbels extending from the upper jaw. The small caudal is fan-shaped. Thefront part of the body is brown, and the rear part of the body is dark brown. The coloration and shape of this speciesmake it resemble a dead, decaying leaf.
SIZE : To 6" (15 cm)
SS : Other Dysichthys species
H : Inhabits areas of leaf liter in still and slow-moving waters in South America; AmazonRiver.
A : bottom
TANK : A 30" (76 cm) or 20-30 gallon (76-114 L) tank is suggested. Shallow tanks are preferred. Thesubstrate should be dark peat, sand, or fine gravel.The tank can be planted with well-rooted plants.
WATER : pH 5.5-8 (7.0), 2-20 dH (10), 68-84°F (20-29°F)
SB : This peaceful, nocturnal species can be kept in a community tank not having small,slender fish, as these may be consumed.Remains mostly inactive during the daytime.
SB : Angelfish, Severum, Apistogramma, Geophagus, Gymnogeophagus, Leporinus.
FOOD : Live; Tubifex , insect larvae, crustaceans; tablets; flake
SC : Unknown, although females are plumper when carrying eggs.
B : Spawning is initiated with the lowering of the water level and a reductio ...
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