Superfamily Viviparoidea is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Family Vivipariidae Genus Angulyagra Genus Cipangopaludina Genus Margarya Genus Sinotaia Genus Taia Subfamily Viviparinae Genus Paludina Genus Tulotoma Genus Viviparus Subfamily Bellamyinae Genus Bellamya Genus Mekongia Genus Neothauma Subfamily Campelominae Genus Campeloma Genus Lioplax

Vivi-parus means giving birth to live young.They have seperated sexes,the males tend to be a little bit smaller than he females. The head of the animal has a short snout(proboscis),the foot is short and wide.The body is brown-grey to darkblue-grey and has orangey dots. The right tentacle of the males is formed to be the copulation organ.It is shorter than the left tentacle. The shells are cone-shaped with an oval aperture.The color is yellowish-brown to olive green usually with three reddish-brown spiral bands. The operculum is yellowish-brown,horn-like and has concentric growth lines.

There are three subfamilies which are: Viviparinae: Viviparus:In Eastern North America and most of Europe. Tulatoma:In the Coosa River, Alabama, USA.

Campelominae or Lioplacinae: Campeloma:In Eastern North America. Lioplax:In Eastern North America.

Bellamyinae: Bellamyia:In Africa, India, Southeast Asia. Cipangopaludina:In East and Southeast Asia. Notopala:In Eastern Australia. Larina:In Northeast Australia.

Subfamily Viviparinae

Viviparus contectus(Millet,1813) The shell is about 40mm high and has a sharp tip,the width is 25-35 mm. It is sphe ...

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