Superfamily Planorboidea is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Superfamily Planorboidea Family Planorbidae Genus Acrorbis Genus Afrogyrus Genus Amerianna Genus Anisus Genus Armiger Genus Bathyomphalus Genus Bayardella Genus Biomphalaria Genus Camptoceras Genus Choanomphalus Genus Drepanotrema Genus Glyptophysa Genus Gyraulus Genus Helisoma Genus Hippeutis Genus Leichhardtia Genus Lentorbis Genus Menetus Genus Miratesta Genus Physastra Genus Planorbarius Genus Planorbella Genus Promenetus Genus Pygmanisus Genus Segmentina Genus Segmentorbis Genus Planorbis

Rammshorn snails. The shells are discshaped and brownish or greyish.The animals have long thin tentacles. The blood contains hemoglobin which gives them a reddish color. Rammshorn snails have to get to the watersurface to take in oxygen.But they can stay longer under water than pondsnails.

Planorbarius(Planorbus) corneus(Linnaeus,1758) The shell is yellow-grey or yellow-green,dark brown-red or brown. It is discoid and has 5-6 whorls.It can grow up to 35mm in height and 15mm in width but is usually smaller.The body of the animal is grey-brown with reddish tentacles. When the temperature rises above 12 degrees celsius eggs are laid.The clusters can contain about 100 eggs.They hatch after 15-18 days.The snails can get 2-4 years old.In aquariums they live longer. They feed on algae,waterplants and carrion in stagnant or slow streaming water with a rich vegetation. In Europe and West-Asia.

Planorbis carinatus(Mü ...

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