A: No. There is no freshwater animal that eats feces but there are some in the ocean that do.
2. Q: Is there an animal that will eat my snail's poop?
A: No. See the last answer.
3. Q: My snail has left its shell. What is wrong?
A: Like turtles, snails are attached to their shells. They cannot leave their shells and live. If the body is out of the shell totally, the snail is dead. A few people have sworn their snail was alive, out of the shell, driving around. It must have been the current in the tank making their body appear to move. Snails cannot live out of their shells.
On 1/1/05, I saw a poor, small ramshorn snail in my 40 gallon tank whose shell had basically been destroyed, all except the center. So, here was this live snail who was moving without a full shell. This is not the same as no shell as there was some left (the center) to which his guts were fused. I am sure he will not live long like this. I wonder if this accounts for some of the sittings of snails out of shells who in fact, were not?
4. Q: Do snails carry parasites that threaten the health of my fish?
A: Yes, most any animal carries parasites of various types. The good news is that most parasites are specific to their hosts. Most snail parasites only effect snails. Snail parasites rarely kill their host snail either. There are some parasites (certain protozoans and digenetic flukes) that us ...