Culturing Redworms for Fish Food is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

by Joseph S.
of California

Most aquarists are perfectly happy with using commercially prepared dried foods or commercially prepared frozen foods. However, some of us either want to be cheap, are hungry for more challenge, or perhaps want to have a more self-managed food supply. Here I will be telling my method of culturing redworms for use as fish food. I am by no means an expert, but here is what I have learned in the past couple of months, coupled with some common worm knowledge. This is not meant to be a sole resource, there is much more information on composting with worms (vermicomposting) on the internet and in a few books. Done correctly, by the time this project is up and running you should be able to harvest worms regularly for your group of fish.

Setting it up:
Redworm Culture Setup
You will need:
- A large container*
- Bedding material** 
- Paper cardboard or similar
- A three-pronged cultivator or similar tool
- An initial supply of worms
- Worm food supply
- Something to cover the bin
- A tray for the bottom of your container (optional)
- A cool place outdoors or in the garage

* Preferably with drainage holes at the bottom. I used an old recycling could also make one using wood.
** Coconut ...

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