White worm is just one of at least four types of worm which we as aquarists can culture, on a regular basis, in order to maintain a continuous supply of one of the best kinds of live food our fish could wish for.
Whilst it does involve a little extra work in its cultivation it is, to my mind, one of the most valuable aquarium foods available. Not only is it very nutritious but also one of the best foods to bring fish into both breeding condition and egg production, however, as with all good things, there is one drawback in that white worms do have a high fat content and therefore should not be fed too frequently to your fish or else they will suffer degeneration to certain vital internal organs.
Personally I restrict feeding white worms to no more than twice per week, which in turn does allow other occasions on which this form of live food can be fed, alongside favourite types of dry foods, to my fish. I am a firm believer in the fact that my fish benefit from as varied a diet as I can provide on the basis that in their natural environment fish will not restrict their feeding to one particular type of food. They simply have no alternative but to eat anything that is available and their food source(s) may thus have to vary from season to season. The one staple food, if I can call it such, will be algae on which most species will browse.
Let me now describe my method of cultivati ...