White Worms — A Great Supplemental Live Food

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White worms (Enchytrae) are a small annelid worm that is moderately easy to raise, and is usually taken by most carnivorous aquarium fish with great enthusiasm. These little worms can be raised in a number of different mediums using several different foods, but there are a few general requirements that must be met if the worms are to be raised and harvested successfully. I'd like to share my method of raising and harvesting these worms and hopefully will raise the interest in some of the readers to give this food a try.

The primary considerations are the container, the raising medium, the food and the maintenance temperature.

Let me mention the temperature first since this is very important to the successful raising of white worms:

I have experienced the greatest success raising these worms at a temperature of no more than sixty degrees F. I keep the raising container in a small refrigerator turned up to the highest level possible without turning it off. This setting usually produces a temperature of around sixty degrees. Another trick hat I learned from Ralph Wilhelm and from Charles Harrison is to keep the worm containers in a covered styro box with a cut off soda bottle filled with ice. Each day, the bottle, with melted ice, is returned to the freezer and a new bottle is taken from the freezer and placed between the containers in the styro. This achieves the same cool te ...

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