Care and breeding of Epiplatys annulatus is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

I would like to share my appreciation of, and interest in, the killifish with members of the club. I know that you probably get tired of hearing about my fish but I'll keep trying and someday some of you other folks will get interested also. Almost all of my 35 tanks are used for the care and breeding of killifish. This month I would like to introduce the club to Epiplatys annulatus (Boulenger). Some authors are currently using the Genus name Pseudepiplatys for this group but that is beyond the scope of this article.

These lovely diminutive fish are native to Sierra Leone and Liberia in Africa. They never reach more than 3.0 cm in length. The overall appearance reminds one of a clown loach. The body is covered with alternating vertical bars of black and cream or yellow along the long axis. The iris of the eye is a transparent brilliant blue. The shape of the tail is called a "pintail" in that the inner most rays are longer than the dorsal or ventral rays. If the fish is well kept and healthy there is an upper and a lower horizontal red stripe on the tail.

Reproduction in these fish is similar to that for all killies. They lay a few eggs every day as long as conditions are good. The eggs are adhesive and attach to vegetation naturally or to the yarn mops that I have shown on many occasions. Most hobbyists who keep these fish would remove the mop after a few days and attempt ...

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